Monday, January 31, 2011

Fashion Fads

There are some things that never go out of style. Like a great pair of black pumps, Lego's, a home cooked meal, little black dress, diamonds, fresh flowers, art, pearls, flip flops, and that old pair of gray sweats that you just can't manage to throw out.

On the other hand there are some things that have come and gone. . . and sometimes come back again - although not always for the best. And these are the things that I was ever so abruptly reminded of tonight while at a family gathering.

I am fortunate enough to have my immediate family living within a 50 mile radius of me; however, the rest of the clan is spread out across the U.S and beyond (you know who you are). My family on the west coast and I have managed to spend many major holidays together, and the ones across the ocean I have seen periodically throughout the last 15 years (is that how long you've been away?).

In honor of my Grandmothers 79th Birthday (Happy Birthday Gran!) my cousins and Aunt from California decided to fly in for the party. Bringing with them, none other then the homemade videos from 1998. Great.

If I have my years straight then 1998 was also the year of. . .Bill Clinton being accused of  involved in the White house Sex Scandal, Titanic was the big movie in the box office, Last episode of Seinfeld aired, Frank Sinatra Died, Green Bay LOST the Superbowl to Denver, Unemployment was 4.5%, and of course.... my little bro was born.

Regardless of world happenings, I highly doubt that the perfectly curled bangs, slicked back pony, and wide legged jeans that I was sporting in 1998 were in style. And if they were. . . . What was America thinking?

So yes, I admit, perhaps my style wasn't up to par and my haircut wasn't quite as trendy as I would have liked to think. But.I will admit one thing - family never goes out of style.  Too Cheesy? Yeah I thought so too.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shopping Spree? - Not me.

I'm not a huge budget person. I am a cheapskate. I like to save. I enjoy the warm tingly feeling when I check my bank account statement. Which is something that never happened until I got a "grown up" job.

I don't send away for freebies. I don't enter giveaways because I never win. I have been known to clip a coupon or two in my day. And I get embarrassed bargaining with people at a garage sale.

I don't own a credit card. My student loans drive me insane. I have never been late on my rent. I typically forget when people owe me money, so I rarely lend it.

I shop on craigslist. I eat out too much. I always seem to get change, but can never find it. I don't like to talk about my salary with my co-workers. And I deserve a raise.

The End.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Never Look Down On Anybody, Unless You're Helping Them Up.

To realize
The value of a sister/brother:
Ask someone who doesn't have one.

To realize

The value of ten years:
Ask a newly divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who has given birth to a stillborn.
To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person who has missed the train, bus, or plane.

To realize
The value of one second:
Ask a person who has just survived an accident

Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.

To realize
The value of a friend or family member:
Lose one.

                                  -Author Unknown

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Goodnight Moon

The mysterious sleep disturbance has been solved. No more sleeping for 3 hours a night or waking up every hour. How did I solve the problem? Easy as 1, 2, 3.  Allow me to explain.

It has been exactly 1 year since I moved to my apartment. As of 7 days ago I still had boxes to unpack and limited decorations hanging up. Why? Because I want to move. If I were to decorate, that's like saying I'm staying here -permanently. No way Jose. I don't like the idea of anything that's permanent. Other then sharpies.

Well, last Sunday I broke down and did some decorating and rearranging in my bedroom. I hung up some photos and added a bit of flare. And TaDa! 7 days of  perfect sleep. Undisturbed.

Speaking of a good nights sleep....

In the great green room
There was a telephone
And a red balloon
And a picture of--
The cow jumping over the moon
and there were three little bears, sitting on chairs
and two little kittens and a pair of mittens
and a little toy house and a young mouse
and a comb and a brush and bowl full of mush
and a quiet old lady who was whispering "hush"
Goodnight room
goodnight moon
goodnight cow jumping over the moon
goodnight light and the red balloon
goodnight bears goodnight chairs
goodnight kittens goodnight mittens
goodnight clocks and goodnight socks
goodnight little house and goodnight mouse
goodnight comb and goodnight brush
goodnight nobody goodnight mush
and goodnight to the old lady whispering "hush"
goodnight stars, goodnight air
goodnight noises everywhere.

Thanks Erin for reminding me of the joys of children's literature.

Friday, January 21, 2011

911. Whats your emergency?

I I I feel feel feel like like like my my my life life life is is is on on on repeat repeat repeat.
Please feel free to stop and stare, point your finger, and laugh.

It has happened yet again. Go ahead. Take a guess.
No, I do not have a new disease (although that will happen soon enough).
No, I did not accidentally pee my pants (give me 50 years).
No, I did not spend the afternoon dancing around in my underwear (only on Sundays).

Give up? Ok, I'll give you 3 hints.
1. Ol' Betsy
2. The numero 4
3. Lack of Pressure.

Did you get it yet? I basically gave it away.
Yes, I had yet another flat tire. Is anybody keeping track? I'm sure I have surpassed the 5 mark and am coming up on 10 within the year. Maybe I am a hypochondriac when it comes to my health, but there is no way to fake 10lbs of pressure. This is getting old.

And to top it off, when I went to the gas station to fill up the tire to hold off until I got to the store to get it patched my fingers were numb (similar to my toes) and I was unable to get the cap off the air filler thingy (is that the technical term?). Luckily, I was able to track down a few young whippersnappers (aka two 15 year old boys) who were bound and determined to use their "manly powers" and "technological ways" to unscrew that cap. Not to mention they were clearly dressed to impress.

If you two are reading this.... Thank you for unscrewing my cap! It was ever so helpful. I'll make sure to Pay It Forward.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This little piggy went to market....

People choose to go numb everyday. Numb to worries. Numb to feelings. Numb to the world around them. People are numb and go through life using robotic movements.

I am numb. I am not numb to worries, feelings, or the world around me. I am not using robotic movements to get my through the day, but I can do the robot because I have stellar dance moves.

My left toes are numb. Not the piggy that went to market or the piggy who went wee wee wee all the way home. But the piggy who stayed home, got roast beef, AND the piggy who got none are all numb.

These little piggies have been numb since Sunday. Continually numb. Numb wearing shoes. Numb not wearing shoes. Numb in the shower. Numb at work. Numb in bed.

I'm starting to believe I may be a

Hypochondriac: A person who has hypochondriasis, a disorder characterized by a preoccupation with body functions and the interpretation of normal body sensations (such as sweating) or minor abnormalities (such as minor aches and pains) as portending problems of major medical moment.

Or maybe I really DO have some strange ailment. Maybe my toes are numb because I have a tumor? A growth? A pinched nerve? Cancer? Gangrene? Infection? Frostbite?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Love The 80's

Okay Okay, So I only lived for the last half of the 80's. Big Whoop! I can still appreciate a classic 80's movie when I see one. Especially since it is basically about. . . well. . . . me. And my brother (adam) even costars as the annoying little brother.

This movie is a classic. If you haven't seen Teen Witch yet, then I would recommend it. Completely cheesy and ridiculous, but a classic - none the less.

Check out this clip of me and my brother.

I Love The 80's

Monday, January 10, 2011

Post Holiday Havoc

Who put that book there? How come my doors are open? Who rearranged my furniture?

I Did.

This lil gal has a history of sleep-walking and sleep-talking. It really started to get bad when I moved into this apartment all by my lonesome. Suddenly I was waking up in other rooms and things were out of sorts. After hearing stories about people driving their car while sleepwalking I decided to set some "boobie traps" to see if I left the apartment in the night since my shoes had been moved on several occasions. Thankfully I passed the test; however, I started to realize that things that I was "dreaming" were actually happening.

Well, last night I had a little scare. Okay a BIG scare.

This morning when I woke up I was recalling the dream that I had last night. I dreamt that I urinated in my refrigerator. I merely opened the door and squatted on the shelf and began to urinate. Halfway through my "dream" I realized this was not a toilet so I decided to clean it up with a nice Christmas hand towel.

Or was that a dream. . . . ?

This morning I jumped out of bed frantically and raced to my kitchen, flung open the door, and began the sniff test. Everything smelled in order. My condiments were as I had left them. And the juice didn't seem any more watered down then usual. But where is that towel.... I thought for sure I would find it in the laundry reeking of stale urine.

Thankfully though, it was folded nicely in the towel drawer just as I had left it. As I wiped the sweat from my brow I realized that what I should have asked for Christmas was not A.A.A or a can opener. I should have asked for.... 
a bed pan.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Agitated Ailments

As noted in previous blog posts - ill, sick, or just downright dirty  - I tend to get the strangest of "diseases". My body has undergone some very interesting and peculiar changes over the years, and no, I'm not just referring to puberty. I'm referring to the swollen lip, stinging tongue, wart, moles, ringworm, anonymous bleeding, platinum blonde hair, waxy ears, and growing pains to name a few. Naturally this list could go on and on. Attracted to me yet?

But aside from all my ailments I get stomach aches. Intense, bending over, throwing up stomach aches. At one point I thought for sure they were related to the back aches. Then I decided they were related to the abnormal bleeding. Do worms make your stomach hurt? What about mold? For awhile, it was a sure mystery.

And then there is the drama. Add a little stress. And you have a nice mess. I am a generally anxious person. Not many people know this, but I feel like we know each other well enough for me to divulge my little secret. I get anxious about public speaking, going to a new restaurant, what I'm going to talk to people about at a party, calling to order a pizza. Heck, I even get anxious about being anxious. At times I have physically made myself ill because I was so anxious about doing something. At lease then I don't have to participate. Sounds childish? Sounds perfect to me.

I can barely pee is public restrooms. I pick my nails. And I spend sleepless nights laying awake in bed thinking about the worst possible things that could happen the following day. Surprised? I hide it well.

I've been offered drugs (medication), alcohol, numerous "coping skills", a dog, even a sleeping buddy. None which seem both appropriate and effective. Oh what to do, what to do. I have found that vacuuming at 2am or having a dance party at 3am is not something the neighbors enjoy; however, you can be very productive at those hours. So I guess I'll continue to toss and turn, count to 10, and use the "bull-dozing" technique until I find a more effective way to deal with my agitated ailments.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pay It Forward

The expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of when someone does a good deed for you, instead of paying them back, pay it forward by doing 3 good deeds for someone else. By paying it forward to 3 people, you can change the world.

The Fun Theory

I support the fun theory
Hopefully you will too.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 - and the birds take flight.

1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
2. A resolving to do something.
3. A course of action determined or decided on.

With each new year comes a new resolution. A resolution to eat healthier or exercise more. Stop gossiping or quit smoking. Start recycling or reduce waste.

Resolutions have never really been my cup of tea. Typically after a few weeks I get frustrated, forget, or simply stop. More often then not I get bored and want to try something new. Possibly even do the exact opposite of what I had resolved to do merely the week before.

Which is why if I were an animal I would be a bird. Preferably a blue jay because I think they are gorgeous, but I could settle for a dove or a finch. Why I chose a bird you ask? Because my mind experiences something that we shall refer to as a "flight of ideas". Hence the inability to stick to a single project, conversation topic, or -  resolution.

Maybe this year I will resolve to stop doing what "sounds good at the time"? Maybe I'll practice some impulse control? Focus more?  Pay attention to details? Finish what I start? Or not.

I refuse to stop flying. Instead I will practice flying with a destination.