Monday, January 10, 2011

Post Holiday Havoc

Who put that book there? How come my doors are open? Who rearranged my furniture?

I Did.

This lil gal has a history of sleep-walking and sleep-talking. It really started to get bad when I moved into this apartment all by my lonesome. Suddenly I was waking up in other rooms and things were out of sorts. After hearing stories about people driving their car while sleepwalking I decided to set some "boobie traps" to see if I left the apartment in the night since my shoes had been moved on several occasions. Thankfully I passed the test; however, I started to realize that things that I was "dreaming" were actually happening.

Well, last night I had a little scare. Okay a BIG scare.

This morning when I woke up I was recalling the dream that I had last night. I dreamt that I urinated in my refrigerator. I merely opened the door and squatted on the shelf and began to urinate. Halfway through my "dream" I realized this was not a toilet so I decided to clean it up with a nice Christmas hand towel.

Or was that a dream. . . . ?

This morning I jumped out of bed frantically and raced to my kitchen, flung open the door, and began the sniff test. Everything smelled in order. My condiments were as I had left them. And the juice didn't seem any more watered down then usual. But where is that towel.... I thought for sure I would find it in the laundry reeking of stale urine.

Thankfully though, it was folded nicely in the towel drawer just as I had left it. As I wiped the sweat from my brow I realized that what I should have asked for Christmas was not A.A.A or a can opener. I should have asked for.... 
a bed pan.

1 comment:

  1. you are one sick creature. You need to make an appointment at Sinnissippi, talk to someone about these dreams you are having before you get too out of hand
