Thursday, April 28, 2011

"I'm not telling you it's going to be EASY I'm telling you it's going to be WORTH it."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Will there ever be another you?

Over the years I've meet people of all different sorts. Different shapes, builds, sizes, and colors. Different ethnicity's, races, and religions. I've always been intrigued how different we can look from one another when we all have the same features - 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth, 1 nose, 2 arms, 2 legs, etc. Well I guess having the same features is debatable in some cases, but you get the drift....
Do you think animals think we all look identical the same as I think all ants or sheep look the same? - Just wondering.

Regardless of our otter appearance, I wonder if there is anybody who has the same interest as me? What about the same flaws? Now that's a conversation starter. . . .

One of my flaws lesser strong points is my technology skills - specifically computer skills. RAM, bytes, and gig all have the same meaning to me. Sure, I know how to log onto my email and check my facebook, but that's where I draw the line. When it comes to doing my virus scan I leave it up to the pros... or whoever I can find to help me out.

Well, long story short, I don't recommend leaving it up to the pros. Especially if you enjoy looking at random things online. Lets just say, I go wherever my left click takes me. Occasionally I stumbleupon sites that I really shouldn't be stumbling on; however, a quick X or back arrow gets me back on track.

Well, last week I was browsing the online racks when suddenly my computer started to freak out. There were boxes popping up all over the place. Most of them stating something along the lines of "You have a virus, your computer is being taken over by aliens, and all your information is being stolen". Since I recently had the lovely credit card incident, of course I started to freak.

Did I mention this was at 2am? Not a whole lot of pros are willing to help you out at 2am no matter how many watermelon flavored jolly ranchers you promise them.  So I waited until the next morning. When I proceeded to complain loudly at my office hoping that somebody would find a magic solution. And sure enough, there just so happened to be an I.T lady in the building updating the computers.  So I promised her a bag of ranchers and brought my computer in.

As I started setting up my computer so she could find the culprit my mind began to wander. All the "odd" and "interesting" websites that I had accidentally stumbled upon started to pop into my head. She was going to think I am some kind of freak. Oh Well. I am who I am.

Several virus scans and updates later it was fixed. Or so I thought.

Once I got home, I realized I could only log onto gmail and facebook. No recipe finding, no arts and crafts, and definitely no blogging. I finally managed to reset my browser last night and am finally up and running. So don't mind the delayed post. Just remember - There could be a clone of me out there. Now THAT'S a scary thought.

glass half full

As I was sitting with my sister having lunch last week she made an interesting statement "You have the worst luck". She proceeded to explain that it wouldn't be so bad if it was offset by good luck - such as winning the lottery. But it's not. Just plain old, no good, rotten bad luck.

To be honest, I've never really thought of it that way. I guess I'm more of an optimistic, glass half full, type of girl. After all, I do seem to get back on the horse (aka Ol' Betsy) every time she has a fall (aka flat tire).

Well, here is my latest string of bad luck, and No, it has not been offset by winning the lotto. In fact, this is very far from winning the lotto.

Almost 2 weeks ago now I received a voicemail form a man stating he was with my credit card company and that my account had been "compromised" and I needed to call him as soon as possible to discuss the unauthorized charges. Seeing that only a few months prior to this I got a prank text from somebody in regards to my cell phone plan, I decided to bypass the number he gave me and call my bank directly.

Apparently I had been spending a lot of time at the racetrack down in Florida and buying food from Orange Port grocery store. Roughly $2,000 worth. I wish I could say I was on vacation in Florida, but the reality of it is - I've been stuck in Illinois with the rainy weather.

It took me the entire afternoon, a trip to the police department, and two trips to the bank to finally get the charges removed from my account. I was livid to say the least, especially since my credit card was tucked away in my purse exactly where I had left it.

So maybe she is right, maybe I do have the worst luck in the world. Or maybe, just maybe, I have the best luck in the world. Maybe if I hadn't spent that afternoon at the bank then I would have gotten into a car accident and would be in the morgue right now. Or perhaps the person working at the credit fraud place could have had the day off and they would have taken all of my money instead of just some. Maybe, just maybe.

Regardless, I think I will just "keep on truckin".

Monday, April 18, 2011

Death By Caffine

Apparently I can drink 235.08 cans of Diet Coke before I croke.

Find out how much of your favorite drink you can have before you end up in the grave:

Although I wonder over what time span this is? Hour? Day? Week? Month?

buzzzzzzy as a bee

Do you ever sit back in your old lazy boy, put your feet up, head back, possibly fall asleep while watching Jeopardy and then wake up hours later wondering where the evening went? Well I don't.

#1 I don't have a lazy boy #2 I don't get the channel that has jeopardy because I'm a cheapskate #3 I don't sit down until I'm ready for bed because if I did then I would fall asleep and #4 I don't have time to sleep during the day - plus it is boring (wasting daylight).
No, I'm not a farmer who wakes up at the crack of dawn and stays up plowing the field til daybreak. Although, perhaps I do still have some old farmer flare in me because that is exactly how I feel sometimes. I'm not complaining. Not one little bit. If you have ever met me (even for a brief moment) or read my blog posts then you will know that my mother could have easily named me Active Annie - not because of my overwhelming desire to hit the gym, but because I always want to "get so much more activities done."

Well I have been a busy bee lately and you are going to get the condensed version.

First of all. I've booked my return trip to Mexico. May 22nd - May 27th. The count down is on and, luckily, I don't think they arrest many people in Mexico. I am going with my partner in crime and lets just say that we are bound to get into some sort of trouble. Face it Fred - It's what we do. I cannot guarantee we wont come back with a piercing, tattoo, or a hot little Mexican man named Pedro in our suitcase, but as long as we take the egg whites everything will turn out fine (thank you little old lady in South Padre)

Here are a few photos of where we will be staying The Grand Riveria Princess . . Of course I will post the real photos from our adventure, but I just want to make sure that your good and jealous.
In case we feel up for a moonlit stroll. . . .

Pool view... where we will be spending most of our time

The Spa... where we will be spending the rest of our time. . .
Aside from planning my excursion out of the country I have had a few interesting adventures on the mainland as well. However, I am feeling slightly sleepy today so those will have to come another time. Happy Trails.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Opening the door for a lady is not optional, and will never go out of style."
                                                                  - Andy Rutledge
****Please Note: This means any door****


Friends are there to help you correct your mistakes and fix your flaws - right? Right! Glad we agree on something, now we can move onto the more pertinent information.

A few years ago one of my best friends (you know who you are) and I decided to to help each other work on our slight imperfections. Or depending on how you look at it... big imperfections.

My friend was horrible at giving hugs. This may not seem to be problematic to the untrained eye, but for me, a "hugger", this was simply unacceptable.

And I was incapable of saying N.O - No. Can you do me a favor? Yes. Can we hang out tonight? Absolutely. Can you work an extra shift? Sure. Can you drive me to the store? Why not. This was Emily in a nutshell. It sounds all warm and fuzzy at first, but trust me.... it's exhausting.

The solution? I promised to give my bud a hug a day if he promised to ask me a series of questions which I could practice saying NO to. This worked surprisingly well for awhile and eventually he was almost as good of a hugger as I. And I was saying no left and right. It was glorious.

Now, 4 years later I'm not sure what kind of hugs he is giving. Unfortunately we don't see each other nearly enough. I do know, however, that my no skill is declining rapidl and I am in dire need of some practice. I have officially turned into a "yes man".

I have not seen the following movie, but I feel like I should watch it - and soon. Maybe it will help me appreciate my slight imperfection of having to say yes all the time. Or even better, help me develop and skill to say no every once in a blue moon.

Just for the record, this does not mean that I don't want to hang out with you, or that I don't wish to do you a favor, or drive you around town aimlessly just "cruising". It does, however, mean that I often overwhelm myself and end up push my own priorities needs aside due to my inability to say no, which eventually results in me getting audited for not filing my taxes on time. Uh Oh!

In closing, the only solution is for me to move to Indy and get my friend back so we can practice saying No and giving Hugs everyday! Watch out - I'm moving in!

Monday, April 11, 2011

to whom it may concern

Dear WWW,

For those of you who have been wondering/asking - No, I did not die. I am still very much alive and kicking. Although, due to a large bruise on my knee my right leg is kicking a little less then my left.

Rarely do I have a loss of words, but for the past couple of weeks this is my experience. I have been on adventures near and far so stay tuned. A good story or two is yet to come.


Sunday, April 3, 2011


Dear friends,

It is with the saddest heart that I pass on the following. Please join
me in remembering a great icon.

The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and
complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.

Doughboy was buried in a lightly-greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities
turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry
Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and
Cap'n Crunch.

The grave site was piled high with flours as long- time
friend, Aunt Jemima, delivered the eulogy, describing Doughboy as a man
who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show
business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not
considered a very "smart" cookie, wasting much of his dough on
half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he -- even
still, as a crusty old man -- was considered a roll model for millions.
Toward the end, it was thought he would rise again, but alas, he was no tart.

Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play Dough; two children, John Dough
and Jane Dough; plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by\
his elderly father, Pop Tart.

The funeral was held at 3:50 for about twenty minutes.
