Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Creative Juices? Aha!

It's that time of the year again. You know, less then 2 days before a costume party and I have yet to think of an awesome outfit . Yeah - that night. Why is it that whenever you are pressured to find something specific it is impossible to find. When you don't need to find it, you find a million.

Example #1: You need a fancy dress for a wedding so you go shopping - nothing! Then a few months later your shopping and you find amazing dresses in all the stores, but no party to go to.

Example #2: You haven't posted anything on your blog in a week+, people start questioning and stating tha they miss the randomness, but of course you can't think of anything random and interesting becuase your put in the spot. A few days later - Wala!

Well, this was exactly the feeling I have been having regarding Halloween. I wanted something amazing, creative, ingenious! And of course I could think of anything. . . .

Uuntil today that is. I have been slaving away - picking and buying, measuring and cutting, stiching and pinning. I would post a picture of the project I am undergoing, but I don't want to spoil the surprise, so frankly you will just have to wait.

What are you going to be for Halloween?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Legends & Lores

"At Rock River on 7th Avenue, many ghosts have been sighted along the Rock River along the bluffs and railroad tracks where many have died on the "blind corner" near the Dillon Museum hit by trains and also drowned in the river's strong currents. On the dead end road of Seventh Avenue it is said that you can hear a mother calling for her children and that a woman can be seen walking along the tracks and disappears in thin air." - Haunted Illinois

Thursday night, ABC, 8 o'clock - Grays Anatomy. While in college my roommate and I would often get a bottle of wine and plop down for our Thursday night ritual. Well, Laura may be living in Chicago now, but I may have found a Thursday night replacement - Sorry Loho. Only problem is, this replacement doesn't help me with the bottle of wine, which may not be in the best interest of my liver.

This past Thursday after watching Grays and finishing the bottle of wine, The Replacement and I started discussing "haunted" places. She informed me of the haunting at 7th Avenue in the town we live in, so naturally we had to go check it out. We drove over, parked the car and began to walk the tracks. After we came to the conclusion that we were not going to see any woman wandering the tracks we decided to venture down the steep hill and walk along the river.

After skipping a few rocks we came across what appeared to be an old wood dock/ramp that had washed up on the shore. It was about 7ft long and 3 ft wide. Instantly we had the wonderful idea that we could float down the river on this "raft". So we found a few boards to use as paddles and proceeded to push the raft out into the river and hop aboard.

To say the least, I felt like we were the stars in a movie and I was Huck Finn. All was going well as we slowly used out "paddles" to push out to sea. Suddenly we realized a couple of important details. 1 There is a dam up ahead and 2 we were sinking. Abort! Abort! So we hopped off and continued out adventure along the coast.

Soon we heard the train whistle blow so we quickly climbed up the hill, through the brush (collecting several kookaburras), and walked along the train on the parallel tracks. It was an interesting sensation, slightly windy and slightly terrifying that a train was going to come from the opposite direction and smash me to smithereens.

Eventually we made it out alive and returned home. No, we did not see a ghost *surprise surprise* nor did we float down the river, but it was a good adventure for a Thursday night. What next?

**Disclosure** Kids - NEVER EVER do what I do.

Monday, October 18, 2010

surprise, surprise, puppy surprise, how many puppies are there inside?

when i was little i can vividly remember racing downstairs each christmas morning in hopes that a saucer sled would be waiting underneath the tree with a big shiny bow on it. year after year i was disappointed. one year my sister got the exact saucer sled that i had put on my christmas list. another year my brother got the sled. and year after year i continued to circle the saucer sled in the jcpenny magazine so everybody would be well aware of exactly what was on my christmas list.

eventually i got that saucer sled and yes, it was every bit as cool and fast as i had dreamed it would be. but the point of this post is not to discuss my long lost childhood dreams or to make santa feel sorry that i never got my sled. moreso, i would like to take a moment to dwell on that oh so wonderful feeling that you get on christmas morning as you rush out to see whats under the tree. it is also the feeling that sits in the pit of your stomach as you shake the box in attempts to figure out what is in it (a few weeks prior to christmas).

well this is the exact feeling i had this weekend. a surprise? for me? how could this be? what is the occasion i asked myself repeatedly? apparently a handsome young man was well aware of the terrible, no good, rotten week i was having and felt it was appropriate to surprise me. how sweet. last week was horrible for the following reasons: the most relaxing day i had all week was tuesday and i was sick throwing up, i worked basically from 8am-9pm the rest of the nights and i only slept about 4hrs a night due to the feeling that toothpicks were holding my eyelids open even though i was exhausted.

saturday this all changed. i was told to get ready to leave at 4pm. where to, i asked? what shall i wear? who with? no definite answers. so i decided on a top and jeans. after a surprise dinner at a delicious pizza joint in chicago we ventured across the way. suddenly we were at the unitedcenter. at a hawks game! and it was glorious.

i had never been to a professional hockey game. it was everything i had imagined and more. and to make everything better - we won. i however, did get upset when the other team scored and accidentally banged my head very hard on a cement wall. ouch! nothing that the $7.50 beers couldn't take care of though.

so, saturday was full of that christmas joy that i get every year. it was by far the best day of my week. and to top it all off - that night i slept like a baby.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

hannah montana vs miley cyrus

i want the old miley back. this chick is out of control and im fairly confident they dont let 17 year old girls into clubs like this one. clean it up miley!

Monday, October 11, 2010

It's A Boy!

Rarely Occasionally Frequently I will sit down and build a circular wall of bricks around me in order to force out any conversation or interaction with others regarding emotions or basically any type of feeling word.

Ok - so maybe I don't literally build a brick wall. That would require far to much physical labor for these *cough* dainty *cough* hands. I suppose a galactic force field might be the more appropriate terminology.

My force field terminology goes something like this. . .
"It sounded like a good idea at the time"
"I don't wanna talk about it"
"I'll tell you when your older"
Of course there is always the ol' "quiver a little and pretend to cry". That one works like a charm. Regardless of which of my sly techniques I choose to use, I caught myself contemplating if the big man on campus accidentally birthed me into the wrong body. . . You know - the wrong gender.

I thought about that for about a split second and then began to chuckle. Me? A Boy? Outrageous! I like boys too much and I clearly enjoy my attention seeking behaviors far too greatly. Oh well. . . Guess I'll just stick to my anti-emotion phrases and see how it goes. Stay tuned!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

im gonna wash that man right outta my hair

I know the feeling. . . 

Shark Music + Bad Acting = Horror??

I love a good horror flick. A little jolt. That feeling in the pit of your stomach right before something dramatic is going to happen. Thankfully, I found myself a scary movie partner. Prior to my new fling I had difficulty finding individuals who would be willing to participate in my shenanigans. About 3 weeks ago we started our scary movie quest. We have yet to find one.

First we watched The Fourth Kind. It had the whole alien thing, which really doesn't send shivers up my spine. Next we watched Hostel. This was more of an "adult film" mixed with comedy then horror. The next was Hit & Run. Once again - horrible acting and they literally had shark music. Yikes!

So, the quest continues. Any suggestions? Whats your favorite horror movie? Is it the gruesome and gorey or more of the thrillers with the twist? Ideas are welcomed. We need to find something that we don't just sit and laugh at. The scariest part of the movies we have watched is when the cat jumped on the couch and I didn't expect it.

Speaking of scary. . . In 2 weeks my new partner, myself, and a few other brave souls are going to go to Statesville Haunted Prison. Haunted house here we come! Will we be scared or merely laugh our way through? We shall see. We shall see.

Pumpkin Spice, Apple Cider, & Haunted Houses!

Do you smell it? Did you catch a whiff? Aaaahhh - The sweet scent of falls aromas has been lingering outside my windows and drifting in the door. The weather this weekend was beautiful and ideal for a stroll through the park, or in my case - the cemetery.

There's something romantic about walking hand in hand with your significant other as the leaves fall around you. Theres something not romantic about walking hand in hand with your significant other along the river with trash strewn about. I often wonder if people in this town have heard of a garbage can? I get it - recycling is just too much work, but come on, is throwing things in the trash really that complicated?

After working 60 hours this week, I felt that leaving a little early on Friday was in order. Jeff came down early after finishing his insurance test so we decided to venture through the park, go out for dinner, and have a few drinks to celebrate. We somehow managed to run into the only girl in town that has mistaken me for a lesbian - time to go home.

Saturday and Sunday were both relatively relaxing. Watched some football (another reason I love the fall) The Illini had a great win over Penn State as too did the Bears pull out ahead. We played some tennis and basketball - Sorry for kicking your butt Jeff, but I'm a natural. And yes, we went for a walk in the cemetery. It was an interesting experience, but enjoyable none the less.

Tomorrow is the start of yet another week. Typically I would be moaning and groaning at the thought; however, Friday a very nice lady said that she can tell I love my job and "just think, your changing generations". I'm ready to go make a change and I hope you are too!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

quack quack quack

Ouch! My Feet Hurt. My Back Hurts. My Hands Hurt. Rub! Rub! Rub!

I've often wondered if other people enjoy back rubs as much as I do. I really don't think they do. I mean, how many people can say that they would honestly rather have a back massage then a new pair of shoes? delicious dinner? 8 hrs of sleep? a life long companion? - Okay, maybe not the companion part [a companion would be equal to a back rub because he would give me them at my beck and call]. Regardless. . . you get the picture. I absolutely love them!

I have come up with the following top 3 scientific explanations as to why I love back rubs so much...
  1.  Apparently, (according to the Dr Scholl's) I have very low arches in my feet. Basically I am a flat footed duck. This in turn would impact my back and cause it to ache and pain as it does oh so frequently.
  2. I was in a car accident when I was 17. An "interesting" lady with a strange tattoo of a woman shooting up her skirt decided to hit her boyfriend exboyfriend (who was walking across the street), when he would not get off the hood of her car (which she had borrowed from him), she decided to rear end us. Ouch.
  3. I just love them! Hands down. No explanation needed!

i just wanna bang on my drum all day

Exactly how i've been feeling this week at work . . .

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Raspy Voices, Smoker Lips and Cheap Purfume

Clink Clink Clink. I wish I could say that was the sound I was hearing when I was at the riverboat casino last night. In reality it was me pounding on the "spin" button in hopes I would triple my penny bet, but in fact it was the opposite - all my $ was dwindling away. Who would have thought? At a casino you don't ever really win. Surprise, Surprise.

Jeff and I decided to venture out to the quad cities last night. We first stopped at a shady little venue for a Comedy Sportz show. Lets just say - purple tinsel is so not in. We watched an improv show, which was actually quite humorous considering it was rated E. I enjoyed how they took ideas from the crowd and turned them into scenes. Who would have thought a German accent at an ice cream parlor mixed with strange dance moves could be so humorous?

After the comedy show we went for dinner at a delicious steak house and then decided to hit up the casino. Eventually all my money started to slowly quickly disappear. I was down to my last $10 and it was well past midnight. We decided to hit up one of the slot machines and risk it all. Before I knew it, my $10 turned into $40. I was thrilled!

The casino was fun. I doubt I will be returning there on a regular basis though - I mean, come on, lets face it. . . I didn't really fit in. I wasn't smoking, didn't have a raspy smoker voice, lacked the cheap perfume smell, and didn't understand how to play 90% of the games.