Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why people hate Americans...

Pedicures on my toes toes... trying on all our clothes clothes....
This song makes me wanna puke. The parody does it a bit more justice.

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
-Mother Teresa

Photo Shoot?

Sometimes when I feel like being silly I take random pictures of myself... Photo shoot anyone?

Monday, March 29, 2010

1 Life Goal Accomplished

One of my life goals was to cut a fresh pineapple. Not the biggest goal in the world, but regardless... Mission Accomplished and it tastes delicious!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

weekend update

I've officially decided you have to train your eyes in order to watch hockey and actually understand where the puck is. After watching a few games on tv I determined it would be easier in real life, but after going to see the Rockford IceHogs play the Chicago Wolves this weekend, I've decided it isn't much easier. I found myself not blinking for several minutes at a time in order to avoid missing a play - resulting in very dry eyes. It was a fun experience for my first hockey game ever and I mostly enjoyed the fights. Unfortunately I lost yet another bet because the Wolves won 3-0.

I did go ahead and spend the $6.99 and buy Jewel Quest last week. I have had many hours of enjoyment from that game and it was well worth it. I have gotten to the harder levels though and it is actually pretty challenging.

The weather should be in the 70's this week! Keep your fingers crossed. :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

JiGsAw PuZzLe

You can thank the 1000 piece ispy puzzle that I have been working on for about a week for my lack of blogging. It has taken up my dining room table leaving me with my lap for dinner. Last night, I finished my puzzle and as I put that last piece in it's place I felt a little piece of me die inside. Maybe it's time I invest in a new puzzle?

Obama vs. Bush

I'm not here to get all political on you. In fact, I must admit (sadly) I rarely keep current on what's happening around me. I have a hard time paying attention to what's happening in front of my face, let alone half way across the world. Regardless... I have overheard many people bashing on Obama this past week. Not exactly what I am voicing my opinion about here, although, I do find it shocking at just how many kids (particularly jr. high age) have an opinion on state budget cuts. Interesting little children they are.

A few weeks ago Jeff and I came across this billboard merely blocks from my apartment. Nobody's name/business was on the billboard to take credit for this. Thought I would share. -Enjoy

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bets OFF

Why is it that whenever I make a bet I am destined to lose? I'm done with gambling. Either that or I just need to stop make bets regarding pool, darts, and bowling. Apparently none of those are my strong points.

I recently came across a friend of a friends blog who has survived a month on Bacon, Beer, and H2O. I recommend checking it out at http://moustached.wordpress.com/bacon-month/ but not necessarily going on this diet. Probably not the best way to lose the lbs.

Apparently somebody shot a timber wolf near my parents house. I saw some pictures of it and it was HUGE! It is currently undergoing some testing in order to determine if it is infact a wolf, a half breed, or something entirely different. Upon finding this out, I also discovered that a bear was recently shot near my sisters house. Obviously we are living in a rural area.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jewel Quest

So it is official. I'm addicted to games such as Bejeweled, JewelQuest, etc... It isn't a matter that I HAVE to play, but once I start I can't stop. I'm like the energizer bunny - I keep going and going and going. I will play for literally hours. The worst part is I don't have the full version so I spend half the time looking for freedownloads online in order to meet my obsession. I really need to just spend the $6.95 and buy the darn thing, but I feel as if that may be my downfall. I'll be late to work, wont go to bed at night, and might even starve to death because I can't stop playing. I need serious help!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm A Deer In Headlights....

Edward Lewis:
It's just that, uh, very few people surprise me.

Yeah, well, you're lucky. Most of 'em shock the hell outta me.

Me: People never fail to surprise me.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Old Betsy is back in business

Old Betsy has her old purr back - Thanks to Jeff's mad mechanical skills (minus dropping 2 screws into my door panal). She is no longer without her 2 side mirrors and it was a real treat driving home and not having to strain my neck everytime I chose to change lanes. As for the big butt dent in the back, maybe that will get fixed next weekend? Keep your fingers crossed!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

#1 Commercial

I think this may be my favorite commercial of all times. It was well known as a superbowl commercial in I believe 2008.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sister Christian

Oh where, Oh Where Has The Weekend Gone? Oh Where, Oh Where Can It Be?

I would say this weekend was a success. Sadly I did not get bejeweled 2, a dresser, student loans paid off, a new TV, OR a gumball machine. BUT I (or should I say Jeff after he spent an hour and a half on the phone - Thanks babe!) did get Dell to send me a new CD drive, Jeff to come see me on Friday and give me a massage, ate a strawberry popsicle, and am slightly less sick then I was 3 days ago. So I would vote 5 for 10 isn't to bad on a wish list. I'll take it.

Friday I was still a little under the weather so we didn't do a whole lot. Saturday I woke up early and dropped Jeff off at work and I went to Woodfield mall to get a little shopping done. I did manage to find a few steals and discover a few stores that I previously didn't know existed. We got back home, took a nap (amazing), and met my brother and his friend out for a few drinks. Today we woke up (earlier then I would have liked), went to church with my sister and her family, and my brother. Then we went out for lunch at a little Mexican restraunt. Last but not least Jeff and I went to see Shutter Island, which was strange and yet really interesting. I wont say much because I don't want to give it away but it definitely had a twist at the end which took me by surprise. I'd recommend it.

Now I am going to watch the Oscars and look at all the amazing dresses since I haven't seen half the movies.

Tomorrow is the start of something new.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Wish List....

1. Bejeweled 2
2. My computer CD drive to work
3. A Dresser
4. For Jeff to come see me Friday Night
5. A Popcicle
6. Not to be sick anymore
7. Massage
8. All my student loans paid off
9. TV
10. Gumball machine

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world."

Mother Teresa

Momma and Papa Kunk Makin' Babies

My parents came up to visit tonight and take me out for Spaghetti Pizza, which actually turned out to be pretty delicious. In the meantime, I decided to show them all my blog and the hilarious baby photos that I discovered during all my free time in the evening. So we decided to run a little test. Hypothesis: Mom + Dad = Emily (or one of my 9 sibs) on makemebabies.com
This is what we came up with.......




Needless to say.. Makingbabies.com is a FAKE! That looks nothing like me (thank God). These babies are hideious, but it is still entertaining. Try it out and see what your babies will look like.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bucket Night

I recently found out that the local movie theater does not host a weekly bucket night. Even more disturbing then that, I found out that many people have no clue what bucket night is and they have been deprived their entire lives. For those of you who have been lacking this weekly occasion in your pathetic lives I will inform you of this little treat that takes place typically on Tuesdays at movie theaters (except apparently not at all :( )....

Bucket night: Every Tuesday (wednesdays at some theaters) you can head out to your local movie theater and buy a ticket to one of their showings. In addition, you bring a bucket/bowl/bag or whatever container you find suitable and they will fill it up with popcorn for .25 cents. It can be as large of a container as you wish as long as it fits on your lap. One fellow brought a garbage bag. Another gal a trash can. It's up to you as to what extremes you are willing to go to in order to have a container of endless greasy popcorn on your lap. - It's Glorious!

Monday, March 1, 2010


I was happy to spend some quality time with the girls this weekend. Love the poster.. totally sums us up!