Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Christmas is a spectacular time of year. The scent of freshly baked cookies, pine, and cinnamon that linger in the air. The houses decorated in lights. And of course the blow ups. . . Ah the blow ups. However, that is a  topic for a whole separate day.
Over the weekend I decided to do it. Put up a Christmas tree in my very own apartment. Luckily I had Jeff along for the ride who still managed to struggle with identifying which section was the middle and bottom. I did learn that they make directions for a reason. . . .
Unfortunately, I didn't have the nerve to go tracking out to a tree farm and cut my own down, but I did manage to capture this beaut.
The picture doesn't give our decorating job justice. I added some shiny cranberries and the balls have some special glitter and such on them that you cannot see in the picture. Regardless, I think we did good - 
Real Good.
During this process we did learn that my ceilings are exactly 7 and a 1/2 foot tall, which is why we had to bend the top a bit to get the star on top. Why is it that trees always look smaller outside your house?

Monday, November 29, 2010

ill? sick? or just downright dirty?

I'm not sure when my misfortune started. Was it the stinging netal in the greenhouse? Or perhaps the UTI that I will never live down? Maybe even the burn that peeled off the majority of my calf? Now lets not forget the swollen lip, with the cause still undetermined or the burning tongue. Or the endless others, which will remain unspoken of at this time due to enough time not having passed to laugh it off.

And No, these are not some transmitted diseases that I received from my significant other, but moreso the end results of my adventures into strange and distant lands.  I sware I take showers and I even occasionally wash behind my ears. Somehow my body just continues to call the germs over and ask them to attach to my body. Awesome.

As you can guess, a recent discovery has brought upon this new insight of mine. And no, I will not tell you about it right now, but please inform me of your bodily problems and perhaps I will divulge a bit more.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

late night entertainment

Thanks Andrea for this oddly entertaining link. . . Sorry Jeff, but I never knew your had moves like these. You sure do know how to shake it.

daydreams or nighthorrors

Wouldn't it be nice if . . . .
  • I had a ball pit at my house so I could jump in it whenever i want.
  • Somebody donated me a truck load of childrens winter coats
  • I had a fountain diet coke machine at my disposal
  • It didnt matter if you ever wore shoes
  • Toliets never clogged
  • You didn't have to feel guilty about doing something fun (in public) on a sick day
  • Cars took water instead of a gasoline
  • Rats-nest hair was in style

Monday, November 22, 2010

and i think to myself.... what a wonderful world.

. . . a few things i like to do . . .
Ride down the stair in my sleeping bag

Uni Cycle

Pogo Stick!

Wear a cardboard box as a dress
Have a Wheelbarrow Race

Thursday, November 18, 2010

1...2...3.... ahhh stop! slow down.

Hey you! Yeah you! Shhhhh! Quiet! Want in on a little secret? Promise not to tell? Well, I've been having trouble sleeping for quite some time now. My mind wanders. It thinks of things. Good things. Bad things. Strange things. There is no stopping it once it gets started. I've tried a few tricks to help fall asleep, but so far - nada.

I've even tried the oldest trick in the book. Counting Sheep. The problem is. . . These sheep are smart. They always start to jump to fast so I can no longer keep track. Eventually they blend together and I get frustrated and stop. Odd, I know.

Anybody have any great sleep remedies that don't involve being heavily sedated or a warm glass of milk?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

burning the candle at both ends

Overall, I consider myself an independent young lady. That being said, I like to know that I have the supports if i need them as well as people will be here for me if I were to call upon them. Occasionally during the week I will call up my bow and ask him to visit me. Naturally he says no for practicality purposes and our conversation typically ends up going something like this . . .
Me: Can you come see me tonight... please please please
Bow: Aw babe, I can't tonight. I have to get up early tomorrow for a meeting
Me: Please please please. I am sooo lonely. (pretending to cry)
Bow: Maybe next week.
Me: I never get what I want. Nobody loves me. (pouting)
And then one day I let him in on a little secret. The secret being that I don't really NEED him to be here, I just want to know that he will come if I really want him to. I encouraged him to have a conversation more like this.
Me: Can you come see me tonight... please please please
Bow: Well I have to get up early for a meeting tomorrow, but if you really need me to then I will
Me: Ok. . . I think I'll be alright. Thanks anyways.
Yes, I know this sounds crazy. I am well aware. This is just how I function.   Anyway, I know there was a point to this post and I am somehow getting off topic. . . back to the matter at hand. . .

In addition to pretending that I am independent, I am also a busy body. I like to go go go. I get bored in the shower and I don't like to just lay around on the weekends. According to my mom I "burn the candle at both ends". Typically I wake up at the crack of dawn (about 7am) and am still wide eyed and bushy tailed around 2am.

Well last Friday things started to take a turn for the worst. The left side of my throat felt as though razor blades were cutting the inside. Ouch. Well, naturally I went about my day.

Then Saturday it slowly started to creep from my throat and began settling in my left ear. Sunday it was officially in my entire left side of the throat, ear, and then I also had a splitting headache. I slept until 11 and then took a nice long nap in the afternoon. Only to be accompanied, but an early bedtime. This sickness was really crampin' my style.

Monday I woke up, my entire throat was scratchy, both ears were popping every time I moved, my nose was running like a faucet and as red as Rudolph's, my head felt like it was going to explode, I had officially drank half a bottle of dayquil and was working on the NyQuil. Yet I continued to work and go about my day.

Tuesday morning my head was spinning, I literally fell into the wall getting out of bed. I decided it would be best to just stay at home and not share my germs. I laid around  and snuggled up with my teddy. I called my mom and our conversation went something like this. . .
Me: Listen to my voice (sounding gruff, scratchy, and like death)
Mom: Aw, do you need me to come up there? I can bring you some soup
Me: No, I think I'll be okay.
How is it that moms always know the right thing to say? Is it because she has 28 years experience at being a mom and somebody has already given her "the talk" on how to make people happy? Either way, I hope I'm that awesome at being a mom (in 30 years when I decide to have kids). . . Not to get all sappy. . . . By 5pm I was bored out of my mind. I hadn't seen another human being all day. I longed for human contact! Luckily, a young whipper snapper came over to keep me company and hack up a lung with me.

Upon waking up this morning I was certain a hot shower and some real person clothes would trick my body into feeling well. During my shower my head started spinning, I sat down to take a rest. I finished getting ready and began to drive to work only to run a red light. Well. . . technically I looked both ways and nobody was coming so I thought I could go - I dont think my head was working correctly'.  After arriving at work I sat in my car for 15 minutes and unable to get out. I turned around and went back home.

It was time . . . I called my mom. This time our conversation went something like this...
Me: Mommy.. can you come take me to the doctor
Mom: I'll be right there
1 doctor visit, 4 medications, a hot bowl of soup, a movie, and a hug later I am slowly starting to feel back to my old self. I can't wait to jump back on the horse and get back to work. This whole laying around on the couch thing really isn't for me.

*Yes I am well aware that I ramble, but I get too because this is my blog and I'm sick!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

the finer things in life

There are few things in life that I do completely successfully. Typically they end in bumps, bruises, opps, and Oh No's! Occasionally tears are involved, but more often then not you will hear laughter. Not always me laughing, but perhaps the laughter of those around me. - Glad I could humor you with my pain. not.

For those of you who know me well (or even for a split moment) I wouldn't be surprised if some ridiculous story has already popped into your head. Do you think that truck sailed or flew here from Alaska? Is it really that untactful to take a "nap" in the bathroom? I enjoy running UP the escalator - do you? Diarrhea has been a problem, anybody care to catch it on film? Was that a glass door I just walked through?

Regardless of the situation, I can more often then not find a way to liven up the room. And No, it is not always done through the use of a good knock-knock joke. That would be far less embarrassing. Over the years I have become increasingly more comfortable in my own skin. Some might even go as far as to say that I have a thick "skull". This has made my embarrassment level decrease drastically as too my anxiety relating to making a fool of myself.

Some people aren't so lucky though. Some people can't put on their turtle shell and hide from it or brush it off their shoulder. For those individuals I just want to say I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I have been called sister bear, victoria, and mother eagle to name a few. I had the bangs, bras, and babysitting skills to prove it.

The more I have been working in the school system the more I see the direct effects of bullying. And to be quite frank - it annoys the snot out of me. I know I have said a mean thing a time or two or three or four. I just wish kids saw the direct effects that their words and actions have on others.

Oh what to do? What to do?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Estimates, Averages, & Exacts

I wake up 3 times per night and sleep for a total of 5 hours a night
I've lived alone for 10 months
I have 6 Sisters, 3 Brothers, 2 Brother-in-laws, 3 nephews, and 1 niece
My car is 9 years old and has 150,000 miles
I have been in a relationship for 9 years straight
I am 23 years, 10 months, and  13 days old
0 pets live with me
My Internet bill is $34.99 a month
I own 2 TV's
E is the 5th letter in the alphabet
My day consist of at least 1 stupid comment and 2 awkward moments
I shave my legs 2 time a week
I should shave my legs 4 times a week
The topic of death comes up 30 times a week for the past 40 weeks
In the past 10 months I have talked about death 1,200 times
There are 3 loads of unfolded laundry waiting for me
I have now wasted 5 minutes of my life writing this

The End.