Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Time to clean out the closet . . .

According to dictionary.com the definition of a Hoarder is: "a person who accumulates things and hides them away for future use". Does that mean your house has to look like this?


Or This?

Well mine doesn't look quite this cluttered and I don't have that many pets (0 actually) but sometimes I wonder if I have a little hoarder in me (thanks dad). Let me take a moment to explain. . . .

A spare bedroom is not something one should have unless they actually expect to have guests spend the night or they do not have the "hoarding" gene like I do. I've realized this "spare bedroom" has quickly turned into my stash of goodies that I don't want to throw away, but have not used in literally years.

Well, tonight I decided to clean out the closet - literally. I emptied boxes that have been moved from one apartment to the next over the past several years and here is what I found. . . .

Anybody familiar with lazytown? It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake... enough said.

Sometimes I even stop to wonder how I got so crazy and where I even got something like this??

And then I remember I find scary masks on green street and put it on (yes without washing it)....

But oh well! At least I have some shades that will guarantee to keep that Mexican sun out of my eyes.

As I said, I'm not sure what is considered a hoarder. In addition to these "goodies" I also found cards from 10 years ago, pictures of people I don't know, and even a few colored pieces of fabric (I know these will come in handy).

I think this may be a disease! And so I will answer your question.... after cleaning out my closets what did I decide?? What did I do?? I put it all back of course! There is no way I can get rid of all my "goodies". I don't care if I haven't used them for years. I know they will come in handy someday!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Make Magazine

Super cool site with all kinds of quick and easy weekend projects.

To: You

From: Me

Sweaty T-Shirt Experiment

I've had a lot of conversations in my day... In a nutshell the majority of these conversations have been about life, love, and happiness. But one talk that particularly sticks out is the talk about the birds and the bees I had with my "older" and "wiser" sister.

A few years back we were discussing her relationship with her boyfriend. I posed a question to her asking what made her fall in love with her bow. Her response "you don't fall in love with a man, you fall in love with his musk". My response "your gross".

Well. . . apparently she wasn't joking. In fact, she was onto something. I first learned about the "sweaty tshirt experiment" in an anthropology class that I took while at UofI. Watch this video to find out more!

Sure enough my sister and her boyfriend ended up getting married and have recently had a baby. I guess she really did fall in love with his musk!

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Latest Addiction

Dr Mario
“People who don't Think probably don't have Brains; rather, they have grey fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake.”

-Winnie the Pooh

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Are you there Brain? It's me, Emily.
I don't know whats happened to you this week.
You used to be reliable.
What happeend to the days when I could turn to you for sound answers?
Who am I supposed to go to for advice now?
It appears you have gone into shut down mode.
Are you overworked and underpaid?
Do you have an ON switch that I need to flip?
Please negotiate with the union and come back to me soon.
I need you!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Laughing Out Loud"

LoL - I hate it. What does that mean anyways? Is anybody really "laughing out loud" when they say that? No, I didn't think so. At least I didn't think so until yesterday.

Yesterday was not my best day - to say the least. I was tired, frustrated, and most importantly of all - hungry. For those of you who know my innermost secrets, or are just plain good at observing my ups and downs, will be familiar with the idea that for Ms. Emily Hungry = Angry.

If we ever happen to be hanging out and I seem a little "off" or "cranky" then tell me to go eat a granola bar. I'll probably punch you, eat the granola bar, and then later apologize for my grumpy attitude. Pretty Typical of me. Well yesterday was no different. . .

It was 7pm and I had officially been working for 11 hours (way to long), I hadn't eaten dinner, and had NO snacks throughout the day. I was rushing to get to my sister/nieces birthday party so I completely skipped dinner (although I did end up ordering out). I was exhausted and in dire need of a good back massage. - No such luck.

As I finally arrived home around 9pm I started up the 3 flights of stairs when I spotted it. A package sitting outside my door. I instantly began mumbling unnecessary words under my breath - angry that the postman had brought a huge package to my door that clearly wasn't mine and now I would have to hunt up the real owner. After all... I hadn't ordered anything and rarely do I get mail, let alone a package.

When I saw that indeed it was addressed to me, I instantly started grinning. I had no idea what it was, but knew it must be something amazing. And sure enough it was. As I ripped open the box I found candies and a book. . . the scrapbook that I had started for Laura for her graduation present, which was a true documentation of our friendship.

As I opened the "True Story of Emily & Laura" I noticed she had added many pages of photos, quotes, and just downright ridiculous things we have done together - lets just say permanent markers and skin do not mix well.

As I quickly flipped through each page and then returned for a more through look I literally "Laughed Out Loud". I'm sure my neighbors were wondering "whats so funny", and had my sisters been here they would have made fun of me for laughing like Rosanne .

I didn't even care though. I laughed, I Cried, It Moved me!

Thank you Laura for making my Day.... Week. :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Thinking Band

It's Official! It's Time to Bust it out! Shake off the Dust!

For those of you who were lucky enough to have encountered my presence during college (you know who you are), you got the pleasure of being embarrassed to walk next to me while I strutted my stuff across the quad while wearing this fabulous headband.

This is my 'thinking band'. I swear up and down that it has a magical power to compact my brain to improve thinking skills (which from time to time I need assistance with). It has proven it's powers time and time again - specifically whenever I have taken a final while wearing this little beaut I have gotten an A (not even joking). I just wish I would have come across it earlier in my academic career. MCB - enough said.

It's a rather humorous/gross story how I came across this little piece of magic. No, I did not purchase it at a Chicago bears game, or get it for keeping the sweat out of my eyes while I pump the iron. The infamous story goes something like this....

It was about 7am on the Friday of Unofficial I was at a party with the guy I was dating and sipping on some glorious green liquids when I spotted him from afar. He was a stranger drenched in sweat wearing this fabulous Chicago bears sweatband. I approached him cautiously and asked him where he came across something so magnificent. He could not remember, so instantly my boyfriend who knew how much I desired such a headband came over and bartered with the fellow until they finally decided a fair trade would be $1.

I put on my headband, wore it the rest of the day, and have been getting straight A's since. To this day I still wear it when I have something tricky, confusing, or just plain difficult to think about. Works like a charm!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

2 sides to every story. . .

Growing up I'm not sure if I was the tattle tale or the one who was getting tattled on. Based on my daredevil experiences of swinging across the barn on a rope, attempting to run away from home, crashing the 4wheeler, and putting lotion on Joe's seat - I would say I was the one who was tattled on. For those of you who beg to differ, please state your argument now......

Anybody? None? Nobody? Okay then - It's settled. I was the one who got tattled on.

After being tattled on my response was typically "but she did..." or "but he said...". I don't know how many times I've heard the phrase "there's always 2 sides to every story" (thanks mom). Honestly, that just made me downright MAD to hear that. I mean, I was the truthful one in the situation, MY SIDE was the right one. Right? Right.

Well, 23 years later I've come to a new realization. There really ARE 2 sides to every story. I don't know how this works considering there is only 1 situation, but sure enough, without a doubt, you will hear 2 different stories regarding the same situation.

Now, I'm not saying somebody is lying (although that is quite possible), but I tend to side on the argument of "differences in perception" in order to avoid pointing fingers and placing any blame, but boy oh boy does it make finding out what REALLY happened a tough job.

WAKE UP CALL OF THE DAY: No way am I even near ready to start playing that game with any kids of my own - Karma baby (my kids will be terrors, haha).

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Road Trip!

My dream is becoming a reality....
Watch it grow and form into a real expedition at mine and Laura's new blog!


Monday, July 5, 2010

Who needs a name when you have fresh veggies?

At times I would like to say that I am classy, and confident. Maybe even stretch it a bit and go as far as making a bold statement by saying that I am coordinated and careful (I like C words apparently). But in reality I am merely "fresh". Period. End of story.

Why I must ask myself do people call me "fresh"? Almost like a fresh vegetable. Yum! Hello People - I'm not here for your dining pleasures. I've come to the realization that "Fresh" means fresh out of college and is not always a word one wants to be associated with.

For example, being "fresh" apparently gives people the idea that it is OKAY to call you "hun" or "babe" and ackwardly touch your arms, back, or leg. NewsFlash! I have a name and I really ment it when I said I wasn't here for your dining pleasures.

Perhaps I will start wearing a shirt that says "DO NOT TOUCH", or maybe to be extra awkward and for the sake of a good laugh I could walk around with....

posted on my back.

Just because I have more energy then you old folks (no offense) or am more excited to be doing my job does not mean that I don't take it seriously.

Yesterday I had the following conversation:

Officer: You are way to chipper
Me: Well I'm in a good mood, aren't you?
Officer: Not with the day I've had.
Me: Okay, I'll be grumpy just for you then.

Is it really so bad to walk around with a smile on your face? Sue me.

Okay - This fresh vegetable is officially done with her rant for the
day! I'll go back to being "fresh" tomorrow.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

One Crazy Night. . .

Every good night has a beginning. . . Mine started with asking my sister who Easton Corbin is? Say Who? Immediately she began to blurt out his recent hit "A Little More County Then That"... See video ...

Oh Him! Of course I knew exactly who he was. We proceeded to have a lengthy conversation about how he is the up and coming George Straight (in about 50 years of course). Would you like to go to his concert tonight for $5 she asked? Uh... Yah! I didn't have to think twice.

We (brother, cousin, and sisters) arrived at the concert a couple of hours before the show in order to ensure some good roaming around the fair time, and a few drinks of course. As the show began I elbowed my way to the 2nd row with another girl whom I had never met and I forgot her name, but we instantly became best elbowing friends and snuck our way up to the front.

The show was fabulous - minus a few set backs with the volume of the microphone. Things were going well until. . . . All the sudden he (easton) was hold my hand and pulling me up on stage! WHOOOOA! I'm slightly stage fright, but thanks to the margaritas I was ready to rock to say the least. I got a cowbell and a drumstick to bang around with. I'm horrible at tune, tempo, and controlling my volume and had never even heard the song before, but boy was it exciting! The behind the scenes guy told me I had to keep it "family friendly" otherwise I would have totally copped a feel. My sister did get a videorecording of the on stage action, which will be posted at a later date so keep your eyes peeled for it.

Naturally, after the show I had to get a t-shirt and get autographs. I found Easton at the front of the line, but had to track down the other band members to get their John Hancock's. How could the night get any better? Until all the sudden . . . Mr. Keyboarder asked me if I wanted to go get a beer. Uh, Hell Yeah I Wanted To! I thought that meant at the beer tent, but boy was I wrong. We went back to the tour bus and had a Corona, set off some fireworks, and enjoyed the campfire for a bit.

To top it off... He gave me his number (sorry Jeff). It was an unbelieveable night and I am completely aware that I sound like a groupie and I don't even care. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera with me, but hopefully my sister got a few shots along with the video. For those of you who are curious what this keyboarder/guitarist looks like here is a live video. He is the guy on the left playing backup.

Totally Worth It!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Some Things Never Heal

It looks worse. Ahhhhhh. There is nasty green stuff peeling off. I can't put that leg down in the shower because it hurts to bad. I'm going to be the smelly girl.

Totally worth it though.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

He Said: "I don't know why you wear a bra. You've got nothing to put in it"
She Said: "You wear pants, don't you?"