Thursday, January 20, 2011

This little piggy went to market....

People choose to go numb everyday. Numb to worries. Numb to feelings. Numb to the world around them. People are numb and go through life using robotic movements.

I am numb. I am not numb to worries, feelings, or the world around me. I am not using robotic movements to get my through the day, but I can do the robot because I have stellar dance moves.

My left toes are numb. Not the piggy that went to market or the piggy who went wee wee wee all the way home. But the piggy who stayed home, got roast beef, AND the piggy who got none are all numb.

These little piggies have been numb since Sunday. Continually numb. Numb wearing shoes. Numb not wearing shoes. Numb in the shower. Numb at work. Numb in bed.

I'm starting to believe I may be a

Hypochondriac: A person who has hypochondriasis, a disorder characterized by a preoccupation with body functions and the interpretation of normal body sensations (such as sweating) or minor abnormalities (such as minor aches and pains) as portending problems of major medical moment.

Or maybe I really DO have some strange ailment. Maybe my toes are numb because I have a tumor? A growth? A pinched nerve? Cancer? Gangrene? Infection? Frostbite?

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