Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Time to clean out the closet . . .

According to dictionary.com the definition of a Hoarder is: "a person who accumulates things and hides them away for future use". Does that mean your house has to look like this?


Or This?

Well mine doesn't look quite this cluttered and I don't have that many pets (0 actually) but sometimes I wonder if I have a little hoarder in me (thanks dad). Let me take a moment to explain. . . .

A spare bedroom is not something one should have unless they actually expect to have guests spend the night or they do not have the "hoarding" gene like I do. I've realized this "spare bedroom" has quickly turned into my stash of goodies that I don't want to throw away, but have not used in literally years.

Well, tonight I decided to clean out the closet - literally. I emptied boxes that have been moved from one apartment to the next over the past several years and here is what I found. . . .

Anybody familiar with lazytown? It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake... enough said.

Sometimes I even stop to wonder how I got so crazy and where I even got something like this??

And then I remember I find scary masks on green street and put it on (yes without washing it)....

But oh well! At least I have some shades that will guarantee to keep that Mexican sun out of my eyes.

As I said, I'm not sure what is considered a hoarder. In addition to these "goodies" I also found cards from 10 years ago, pictures of people I don't know, and even a few colored pieces of fabric (I know these will come in handy).

I think this may be a disease! And so I will answer your question.... after cleaning out my closets what did I decide?? What did I do?? I put it all back of course! There is no way I can get rid of all my "goodies". I don't care if I haven't used them for years. I know they will come in handy someday!


  1. EEK! My sunglasses! You found them! I have been going blind for the past few months without them.


  2. I believe the pink wig is technically mine...
