It's Official! It's Time to Bust it out! Shake off the Dust!
For those of you who were lucky enough to have encountered my presence during college (you know who you are), you got the pleasure of being embarrassed to walk next to me while I strutted my stuff across the quad while wearing this fabulous headband.
This is my 'thinking band'. I swear up and down that it has a magical power to compact my brain to improve thinking skills (which from time to time I need assistance with). It has proven it's powers time and time again - specifically whenever I have taken a final while wearing this little beaut I have gotten an A (not even joking). I just wish I would have come across it earlier in my academic career. MCB - enough said.
It's a rather humorous/gross story how I came across this little piece of magic. No, I did not purchase it at a Chicago bears game, or get it for keeping the sweat out of my eyes while I pump the iron. The infamous story goes something like this....
It was about 7am on the Friday of Unofficial I was at a party with the guy I was dating and sipping on some glorious green liquids when I spotted him from afar. He was a stranger drenched in sweat wearing this fabulous Chicago bears sweatband. I approached him cautiously and asked him where he came across something so magnificent. He could not remember, so instantly my boyfriend who knew how much I desired such a headband came over and bartered with the fellow until they finally decided a fair trade would be $1.
I put on my headband, wore it the rest of the day, and have been getting straight A's since. To this day I still wear it when I have something tricky, confusing, or just plain difficult to think about. Works like a charm!
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