Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Laughing Out Loud"

LoL - I hate it. What does that mean anyways? Is anybody really "laughing out loud" when they say that? No, I didn't think so. At least I didn't think so until yesterday.

Yesterday was not my best day - to say the least. I was tired, frustrated, and most importantly of all - hungry. For those of you who know my innermost secrets, or are just plain good at observing my ups and downs, will be familiar with the idea that for Ms. Emily Hungry = Angry.

If we ever happen to be hanging out and I seem a little "off" or "cranky" then tell me to go eat a granola bar. I'll probably punch you, eat the granola bar, and then later apologize for my grumpy attitude. Pretty Typical of me. Well yesterday was no different. . .

It was 7pm and I had officially been working for 11 hours (way to long), I hadn't eaten dinner, and had NO snacks throughout the day. I was rushing to get to my sister/nieces birthday party so I completely skipped dinner (although I did end up ordering out). I was exhausted and in dire need of a good back massage. - No such luck.

As I finally arrived home around 9pm I started up the 3 flights of stairs when I spotted it. A package sitting outside my door. I instantly began mumbling unnecessary words under my breath - angry that the postman had brought a huge package to my door that clearly wasn't mine and now I would have to hunt up the real owner. After all... I hadn't ordered anything and rarely do I get mail, let alone a package.

When I saw that indeed it was addressed to me, I instantly started grinning. I had no idea what it was, but knew it must be something amazing. And sure enough it was. As I ripped open the box I found candies and a book. . . the scrapbook that I had started for Laura for her graduation present, which was a true documentation of our friendship.

As I opened the "True Story of Emily & Laura" I noticed she had added many pages of photos, quotes, and just downright ridiculous things we have done together - lets just say permanent markers and skin do not mix well.

As I quickly flipped through each page and then returned for a more through look I literally "Laughed Out Loud". I'm sure my neighbors were wondering "whats so funny", and had my sisters been here they would have made fun of me for laughing like Rosanne .

I didn't even care though. I laughed, I Cried, It Moved me!

Thank you Laura for making my Day.... Week. :)


  1. Yay! I am glad I can help out :) Want to share emotions and feelings soon? Yeah, I don't want to either.


  2. I just remembered that I forgot to mention something.

    One of my pet peeves is LOL-ing. This is especially true when it is at wildly unlaughable times. I mean your boss legitimately hates you? Not funny. You aren't laughing (and if you are you shouldn't be). Trust me. I know your personality and you aren't. End rant here.

  3. your blog makes me lol... so did chatting with all those hot guys on the internet all day...like we used to when we were about 13...Remember how we would LOL all day and I would look over while you were on the computer and you would have this big grin on your face because you were chatting with Nick Romanelli?
