Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sweaty T-Shirt Experiment

I've had a lot of conversations in my day... In a nutshell the majority of these conversations have been about life, love, and happiness. But one talk that particularly sticks out is the talk about the birds and the bees I had with my "older" and "wiser" sister.

A few years back we were discussing her relationship with her boyfriend. I posed a question to her asking what made her fall in love with her bow. Her response "you don't fall in love with a man, you fall in love with his musk". My response "your gross".

Well. . . apparently she wasn't joking. In fact, she was onto something. I first learned about the "sweaty tshirt experiment" in an anthropology class that I took while at UofI. Watch this video to find out more!

Sure enough my sister and her boyfriend ended up getting married and have recently had a baby. I guess she really did fall in love with his musk!

1 comment:

  1. It is times like these that I hope you recognize just how wise I am...Maybe someday you will know that all you need is your sister...I mean, your dad...and your sister
