Thursday, July 8, 2010

2 sides to every story. . .

Growing up I'm not sure if I was the tattle tale or the one who was getting tattled on. Based on my daredevil experiences of swinging across the barn on a rope, attempting to run away from home, crashing the 4wheeler, and putting lotion on Joe's seat - I would say I was the one who was tattled on. For those of you who beg to differ, please state your argument now......

Anybody? None? Nobody? Okay then - It's settled. I was the one who got tattled on.

After being tattled on my response was typically "but she did..." or "but he said...". I don't know how many times I've heard the phrase "there's always 2 sides to every story" (thanks mom). Honestly, that just made me downright MAD to hear that. I mean, I was the truthful one in the situation, MY SIDE was the right one. Right? Right.

Well, 23 years later I've come to a new realization. There really ARE 2 sides to every story. I don't know how this works considering there is only 1 situation, but sure enough, without a doubt, you will hear 2 different stories regarding the same situation.

Now, I'm not saying somebody is lying (although that is quite possible), but I tend to side on the argument of "differences in perception" in order to avoid pointing fingers and placing any blame, but boy oh boy does it make finding out what REALLY happened a tough job.

WAKE UP CALL OF THE DAY: No way am I even near ready to start playing that game with any kids of my own - Karma baby (my kids will be terrors, haha).

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