Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rock, Paper, Sissors

Call me old fashioned, conventional, traditional, conservative, or just plain old cheap, but what girl WANTS to pay for dinner? I don't care if i'm having dinner with my parents, boyfriend, sibling, friend, or stranger - why would I want to pay for dinner? I don't! Plain and simple, I work hard for my money and the more of it I can hoard away, the better - right?
Well. . . . to settle this little dispute, one of my besties and I decided to "Rock Paper Sissor" it in order to determine who buys dinner. So far, 2:0 (I'm up!). Honestly, I can read him like a book, I almost feel as if I'm cheating it's so easy. But. . . Until he thinks of a better way to settle who pays for dinner, we shall keep up our charades all while entertaining the staff.

1 comment:

  1. Did you really use the word "Besties"? New low, haha. And how come I never get the option to rock paper scissors for dinner??
