Thursday, June 17, 2010

Road Rage

If you have ever had the pleasure of being a passenger in Ol' Betsy (my car) then you will know that I get easily angered by bad, idiotic, and careless drivers. Do I have the best driver record? Absolutely not. In fact I once got so many speeding tickets I had to go to court not once, but twice. Luckily I knew the right people and they were able to overlook my little "situation". By the way, thanks mom for holding my hand while I walked into the court house.

Lets take a moment to recap on my driving record. . .
1.) Speeding (45 in a 30). "Accidentally" dropped a bunch of tampons out of the glove box and received a verbal warning.

2.) Speeding (40 in a 30). Told the officer that I was lost and had never been to the town before. Secretly I had been to the town weekly to visit my boyfriend. Received a verbal warning and he escorted me to my destination thinking I was truly lost. Nice Guy!

3.) Speeding (35 in a 30). This was a state police officer. He was a total jerk. I was actually parked at the video store, out of the car, and had my hand on the door to go inside when he turned his lights on. He threatened me with a speeding ticket or seat belt ticket. I took the seatbelt ticket
($75) even though I honestly had my seat belt on. Who pulls somebody over for 5mph over?

4.) Speeding (85 in a 65). On the interstate, late to turn in a paper for class, I got a ticket.

5.) Speeding (50 in a 30). Just broken up with my boyfriend, going home, and was crying. Received a ticket. How rude!

That's all I care to share at this time - after all, you could be a stranger. Regardless, lets just say I'm not the BEST driver in the world. I do get annoyed when others don't use their turn signal, drive to slow, or pull out in front of me. However, I never honk. Even when I should and could, I just cant pull myself to do it. It's too mean and what if it turned out to be my grandmother? Mortifying!

Well. . . Today I was driving to a home visit, no clue where I was going, attempting to read the house numbers. Of course I was driving like an old lady (or a person who was lost), but the car behind me comes up and lays on their horn for a solid 30 seconds. So naturally. . . I slow down, move a little closer to the middle of the road so they can't pass, and smile smugly in my rear view mirror. Sucker!

1 comment:

  1. This seemed fitting:
    (817): 90 In a 65. Talked my way out of it with the i have to poop story. i am the ticket jesus.
