Thursday, June 24, 2010

Peeping Tom

I can clearly recall my first year at the University of Illinois. I, however, was able to skip the embarrassment of carrying an orange bag around the quad that screamed FRESHMAN ALERT (thanks Maggie & Sara for the heads up). For those of you who went to the U of I, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you don't believe me then watch this video (Thanks Megan), which will give you some insight on...

"How To Spot A Freshman"

Back to the topic at hand. . . I, like many other youngsters, did some undergraduate major surfing during my first few years, and I don't mean the kind where your riding the waves (although that would be fun). It started with Special Education and ended with Human Development & Family Studies, with a few things in between.

One class that sticks out distinctly in my memory is Introduction to Educational Technology. I can recall on the first day of class my face turning a shade that could have given any tomato a run for it's money. We were discussing webcams and I of course had one because I was pretty savy (or so I like to think) when it came to technology. Keep it mind this was several years ago before they came built into just about every laptop. Naturally I was asked how I use the webcam and when I responded with "to talk to my boyfriend", apparently there were some sick individuals in the room whose minds began to wander. Needless to say, I was at the bunt of the joke.

Anyways, throughout the course of this class we experimented with different types of technology and practiced using all sorts of programs. Overall, it was a good experience UNTIL we were required to start a blog. I sware I complained every day that I was FORCED to post something. It was sooo boring because we had to post responses to specific questions. It was the worst part of the entire class and I hated having to post what somebody else wanted me to and then knowing that everybody could read it. THIS IS STUPID I would say day in and day out.

Skipping ahead 4 years . . . Here I am! Blogging away. The difference? I can post silly things, whatever I'm thinking, and nobody is putting a letter grade on my overgrown thoughts.

There is only 1 thing that makes me feel a little awkward and yet slightly intrigued at the same time. I have 9 followers at this point, and in my head those are the only people who read this. . . Then I will hear a comment or catch wind that somebody outside the 9 have read a story I posted or saw a picture of my crabs . . . (crab rangoon that is). . . I almost feel as if a peeping tom is peering through my blinds at night (aka into my head) and reading all my private thoughts. I'm not asking you to leave comments on my thoughts (although your more then welcome too) or even become a follower (although you can), I'm just wondering if any other bloggers have this strange feeling and if they are slightly excited by it like I am??


  1. my two cents? you can't force people to blog. if they wanna share their thoughts, they're going to, and if they don't, no amount of forcing it on them is going to make them "see the light" and open up and share. it's the internet and it's terrifying.. if you wanna stay away, you have the right.

  2. o-oh... bet you think I am a Peeping Tom!! I have tried a few times to become a follower, but I didn't like the picture the computer pulled up... wanted a more recent one... couldn't figure out how to do that! That's what happens when you are over 30..just wait! Anyway... the old pic went up, so now I am an official follower.....

  3. Hi Emily! It has been a while since I've seen you. Seems like life is treating you pretty good, besides the slight accidents with the bike :( I ran into Sara over the weekend, and talk to Andrea once in a while as well. (I was just thinking the other day about our 4-H days)
