A long long time ago (about 3 years).... In a land far far away (Champaign)... There lived 2 lovely maidens who we shall call Emily & Laura (to protect the innocent).
Well these two fine maidens fell in love with the same uh . . . man . . . They both tried to bribe and bargain, and trade and trick this man into coming home with them. They each saw him on an infomercial making Chicken Salad in 1....2....3.... seconds, which is when they both knew that he must be theirs.
One fine day in the month of may the maidens were at Gordmans and they came across this fine man for sale for a bargain price of $69. The man went by the name of "The Magic Bullet". The bullet was known to whip up salsa, smash up Chicken Salad, and blend up brilliance; however, neither of these fine ladies had the mullah to make the purchase so they both went home sad, defeated, and empty handed.
One fine day in the month of may the maidens were at Gordmans and they came across this fine man for sale for a bargain price of $69. The man went by the name of "The Magic Bullet". The bullet was known to whip up salsa, smash up Chicken Salad, and blend up brilliance; however, neither of these fine ladies had the mullah to make the purchase so they both went home sad, defeated, and empty handed.

Then, there came along a fine young man named Jeff who knew of Emily's secret passion for the bullet. He decided to cough up the change and purchase her this magnificent merchandise for her 23rd birthday (since you only turn 23 once). Emily stored it and kept it safe (just like her dad does) and was "saving" it until she was ready to make the amazing 1,2,3, chicken salad. Eventually.... She gave in and decided to open it up and check out all the recipes for under 10 seconds.
To Emily's surprise she found stuffed mushrooms - Yum! She raced to the store and bought up all the ingredients as quickly as you could say bread plum pudding. She didn't have any measuring cups because she forgot to buy those, so she did an "educated guess" at just how many shakes it takes to get a quarter cup of ricotta cheese and how many pinches a tablespoon really is.
She mixed up all the ingredients using her new bullet, popped them in the oven to bake, and walah! She began eating them . . . without Laura's presence (although she was thought of). However. . . suddenly . . . as strong as an earthquakes tremor, Emily's stomach started to rumble and grumble... twist and turn...
QUICK!!! Run for Cover!!!! As she darted for the bathroom, she barely made it in the knick of time. The rest of the story is history - use your imagination.
Morale of the story - Magic Bullets are for Daiquiris, not mushrooms. Laura - don't be jealous.
Way to rub it in my face!
ReplyDeleteYou are one interesting girl. ;)
ReplyDeleteI saw the magic bullet on tv yesterday...I was flipping through our 3 channels, when Jake let out a gasp! That's law and order...Turned out to be the magic bullet...not sure how he got that one confused...Let's just say my eyes lit up..1...2...3...guacamole!