Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Stinky Kid

Neat, Tidy, Un-Cluttered, Well-Groomed, Orderly, Kempt, Immaculate, Unblemished, Sanitary, and Fresh. All are synonyms of Clean. Although I'm not sure why I would be interested in these words when what I should be looking at are the Antonyms. These are what describe me best - Cluttered, Dirty, Filthy, Foul, Stained, Tarnished, Polluted, Soil, and Grime. You get the point.

I don't want to paint the picture that I am the neighbor kid who clearly hasn't showered in a few days and you can smell his scent drift in through the kitchen window as he passes by. Although, I would be fooling you if I said I actually enjoyed taking showers on the weekends (I get bored easily). I feel like this should be my time off and God definitely made Sunday a day of rest for a reason.

When I moved into my apartment I liked the idea of not having to clean up after anybody else. No more unscrubbed dishes, Cathy hair (if you don't know what this means then don't ask) floating around, or toothpaste dried onto the sink. I was pumped to say the least...

Now here I am, looking around my apartment and nobody to blame except myself. I have days of laundry piled sky high, week old left overs pushed to the back of the fridge, and stacks of unopened mail on the table where I supposedly eat dinner. As if that isn't bad enough - I haven't shaved my legs in days, I've forgotten where the On switch is on my vacuum, and I don't even own a mop. Oy Vey!

Perhaps I should re-implement Tidy Up Tuesday? Or, on the other hand. . . Maybe I will just continue to go through life as the Stinky Kid. I mean. . . I have done pretty well so far. What do you think?

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