Monday, October 18, 2010

surprise, surprise, puppy surprise, how many puppies are there inside?

when i was little i can vividly remember racing downstairs each christmas morning in hopes that a saucer sled would be waiting underneath the tree with a big shiny bow on it. year after year i was disappointed. one year my sister got the exact saucer sled that i had put on my christmas list. another year my brother got the sled. and year after year i continued to circle the saucer sled in the jcpenny magazine so everybody would be well aware of exactly what was on my christmas list.

eventually i got that saucer sled and yes, it was every bit as cool and fast as i had dreamed it would be. but the point of this post is not to discuss my long lost childhood dreams or to make santa feel sorry that i never got my sled. moreso, i would like to take a moment to dwell on that oh so wonderful feeling that you get on christmas morning as you rush out to see whats under the tree. it is also the feeling that sits in the pit of your stomach as you shake the box in attempts to figure out what is in it (a few weeks prior to christmas).

well this is the exact feeling i had this weekend. a surprise? for me? how could this be? what is the occasion i asked myself repeatedly? apparently a handsome young man was well aware of the terrible, no good, rotten week i was having and felt it was appropriate to surprise me. how sweet. last week was horrible for the following reasons: the most relaxing day i had all week was tuesday and i was sick throwing up, i worked basically from 8am-9pm the rest of the nights and i only slept about 4hrs a night due to the feeling that toothpicks were holding my eyelids open even though i was exhausted.

saturday this all changed. i was told to get ready to leave at 4pm. where to, i asked? what shall i wear? who with? no definite answers. so i decided on a top and jeans. after a surprise dinner at a delicious pizza joint in chicago we ventured across the way. suddenly we were at the unitedcenter. at a hawks game! and it was glorious.

i had never been to a professional hockey game. it was everything i had imagined and more. and to make everything better - we won. i however, did get upset when the other team scored and accidentally banged my head very hard on a cement wall. ouch! nothing that the $7.50 beers couldn't take care of though.

so, saturday was full of that christmas joy that i get every year. it was by far the best day of my week. and to top it all off - that night i slept like a baby.

1 comment:

  1. Woah.. Kurt is going to flip.. maybe you could loan your boyfriend to my husband for awhile? ;)
