Sunday, October 10, 2010

Shark Music + Bad Acting = Horror??

I love a good horror flick. A little jolt. That feeling in the pit of your stomach right before something dramatic is going to happen. Thankfully, I found myself a scary movie partner. Prior to my new fling I had difficulty finding individuals who would be willing to participate in my shenanigans. About 3 weeks ago we started our scary movie quest. We have yet to find one.

First we watched The Fourth Kind. It had the whole alien thing, which really doesn't send shivers up my spine. Next we watched Hostel. This was more of an "adult film" mixed with comedy then horror. The next was Hit & Run. Once again - horrible acting and they literally had shark music. Yikes!

So, the quest continues. Any suggestions? Whats your favorite horror movie? Is it the gruesome and gorey or more of the thrillers with the twist? Ideas are welcomed. We need to find something that we don't just sit and laugh at. The scariest part of the movies we have watched is when the cat jumped on the couch and I didn't expect it.

Speaking of scary. . . In 2 weeks my new partner, myself, and a few other brave souls are going to go to Statesville Haunted Prison. Haunted house here we come! Will we be scared or merely laugh our way through? We shall see. We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. 28 days later I must say freaked me out a bit, Jake and I were scared of Wrong Turn , Jake also recommended the Shining. For me personally, nothing will top Signs ( he he)
