Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jewel Quest

So it is official. I'm addicted to games such as Bejeweled, JewelQuest, etc... It isn't a matter that I HAVE to play, but once I start I can't stop. I'm like the energizer bunny - I keep going and going and going. I will play for literally hours. The worst part is I don't have the full version so I spend half the time looking for freedownloads online in order to meet my obsession. I really need to just spend the $6.95 and buy the darn thing, but I feel as if that may be my downfall. I'll be late to work, wont go to bed at night, and might even starve to death because I can't stop playing. I need serious help!

1 comment:

  1. I guess its better than a crack addiction...slightly. Why can't you develop a more normal addiction like a normal hoarding. you could become a hoarder. think about it.
