I recently found out that the local movie theater does not host a weekly bucket night. Even more disturbing then that, I found out that many people have no clue what bucket night is and they have been deprived their entire lives. For those of you who have been lacking this weekly occasion in your pathetic lives I will inform you of this little treat that takes place typically on Tuesdays at movie theaters (except apparently not at all :( )....
Bucket night: Every Tuesday (wednesdays at some theaters) you can head out to your local movie theater and buy a ticket to one of their showings. In addition, you bring a bucket/bowl/bag or whatever container you find suitable and they will fill it up with popcorn for .25 cents. It can be as large of a container as you wish as long as it fits on your lap. One fellow brought a garbage bag. Another gal a trash can. It's up to you as to what extremes you are willing to go to in order to have a container of endless greasy popcorn on your lap. - It's Glorious!
people just don't know what they are missing!