Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bets OFF

Why is it that whenever I make a bet I am destined to lose? I'm done with gambling. Either that or I just need to stop make bets regarding pool, darts, and bowling. Apparently none of those are my strong points.

I recently came across a friend of a friends blog who has survived a month on Bacon, Beer, and H2O. I recommend checking it out at but not necessarily going on this diet. Probably not the best way to lose the lbs.

Apparently somebody shot a timber wolf near my parents house. I saw some pictures of it and it was HUGE! It is currently undergoing some testing in order to determine if it is infact a wolf, a half breed, or something entirely different. Upon finding this out, I also discovered that a bear was recently shot near my sisters house. Obviously we are living in a rural area.

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