Sunday, April 18, 2010

It Always Happens To Me...

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining. I had the windows rolled down. The music turned up. A great day for a Sunday drive. A drive right down to Peoria to my sisters Confirmation. However, suddenly things began to take a turn for the worst. What was that loud thumping noise? Is that burnt rubber I smell? Is the car slightly out of control? Yes - all the signs pointed to a flat tire. As I slowly pulled off to the side of the road I began to panic. Luckily I had a manly man with me who knows about things such as this (aka Jeff). I turn on the flashers and after spending 5 minutes moving all the blankets, tennis rackets, shoes, salt, and random moving boxes out of the trunk we were able to reveal the smallest doughnut tire I had ever laid eyes on and the most rickety jack known to mankind. Jeff quickly and swiftly changes out of his Sunday best into jeans an a t-shirt and sets right to work. As Jeff is half under Old Betsy (my trusty ol' cavalier) car after car drives by without stopping to offer assistance. One old woman actually came to a rolling half and gave us an evil glare until Jeff shooed her away. Eventually the car was jacked up, lug nuts are off, but something isn't right. The wheel wouldn't budge. After several phone calls to papa bear, many kicks, and a few shakes we decide to call Triple A (thanks to Jeffs account) and have somebody come help. While Jeff is on the phone and I'm near tears sitting on the guardrail a car comes to an abrupt halt. Out jumps a young man asking what the distress was all about. After explaining the situation to him he quickly asks for permission to "abuse your car". He began pounding and kicking. Hitting and whacking. Shaking and bumping. Until tada! The tire came free. We (actually Jeff) put the doughnut on. Got a diet coke to calm my nerves. And head to town to get a new tire. 2 1/2 hours and $139.00 later I am back on the road and things begin to look a little brighter; however, The confirmation is over and I missed it. :( Thanks Jeffy for all the help today you kept me calm! Thanks strange man who abused my car we couldn't have done it without you.
But I still must ask myself - why do things like this always happen to me?

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