Who would have thought something so simple as a coffee pot could be so complicated? The owners manual is 3 pages long. That indicates just how simple it is. Or so I thought. . .
About a year ago my fabulous mother bought me a nice little black 4 cup coffee maker. It had been working just fantastic until I moved to this new apartment in January. I'm not sure if it got justled and bumped around during the move, but all the sudden it stopped working great and I constantly had grounds in my coffee. :( Ick! One morning I got so frustrated that I actually poured the coffee with grounds back to run another cycle through. At this moment I took the pot and chucked it as hard as I could into the . . . drum roll please . . . dumpster!
It has been about 3 weeks since that little incident. I have not had 1 cup of coffee, which means I have increased my dietcoke drinking in order to get the sustanance that I need and desire. Last night I finally took the plunge and bought a new coffee maker at Walmart. A pretty snazzy one that will dispence right into your travel mug. I was so excited to try it until . . . .
I woke up this morning. Read the 3 pages and quickly added the water and coffee grounds to get it to start brewing. I got out of the shower and expected to smell the sweet aroma of coffee, but - Nothing! No scent, no hot coffee, nada! I pushed start again, but still nothing. Finally I gave up and took out a diet coke. Yum!
After a long day of work, I came home and decided to figure out what is wrong with the lil bugger. Turns out..... I had been pouring the water in the wrong hole. Opps! Guess I'll try again tomorrow.
Rookie Mistake!