Wednesday, April 27, 2011

glass half full

As I was sitting with my sister having lunch last week she made an interesting statement "You have the worst luck". She proceeded to explain that it wouldn't be so bad if it was offset by good luck - such as winning the lottery. But it's not. Just plain old, no good, rotten bad luck.

To be honest, I've never really thought of it that way. I guess I'm more of an optimistic, glass half full, type of girl. After all, I do seem to get back on the horse (aka Ol' Betsy) every time she has a fall (aka flat tire).

Well, here is my latest string of bad luck, and No, it has not been offset by winning the lotto. In fact, this is very far from winning the lotto.

Almost 2 weeks ago now I received a voicemail form a man stating he was with my credit card company and that my account had been "compromised" and I needed to call him as soon as possible to discuss the unauthorized charges. Seeing that only a few months prior to this I got a prank text from somebody in regards to my cell phone plan, I decided to bypass the number he gave me and call my bank directly.

Apparently I had been spending a lot of time at the racetrack down in Florida and buying food from Orange Port grocery store. Roughly $2,000 worth. I wish I could say I was on vacation in Florida, but the reality of it is - I've been stuck in Illinois with the rainy weather.

It took me the entire afternoon, a trip to the police department, and two trips to the bank to finally get the charges removed from my account. I was livid to say the least, especially since my credit card was tucked away in my purse exactly where I had left it.

So maybe she is right, maybe I do have the worst luck in the world. Or maybe, just maybe, I have the best luck in the world. Maybe if I hadn't spent that afternoon at the bank then I would have gotten into a car accident and would be in the morgue right now. Or perhaps the person working at the credit fraud place could have had the day off and they would have taken all of my money instead of just some. Maybe, just maybe.

Regardless, I think I will just "keep on truckin".

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