Monday, December 6, 2010

rules of the road

It's been roughly 8 years now since I read, reviewed, and studied the "Rules of the Road" book for drivers ed. And yes, I do believe I actually read it diligently cover to cover in fear that I would fail my permit test. I remember reading about who has the right away, wolf packs, and construction zones. I even recall a chapter or two on lane changes, road signs, and lets not forget DUI's.

Why though, I must ask myself did they not include a special excerpt on hit and runs, murder, or self defense? This would have been helpful this weekend when I was put into a very controversial situation. 

Saturday night Jeff and I decided to go to dinner and play some billiards at the nearby bar and grill. We were sitting at the bar with a total of about 10 other people in the entire place discussing things like 401k's and the new wine cellar in town - obviously minding our own business.

As we chatted away I noticed out of the corner of my eye a few young ladies "grinding" on the dance floor with one another, as the night progressed they were surrounded by a group of guys who were participating in this sort of dance and snogging. It was quite disturbing, but. . . to each their own I reckon.

The night progressed and before I knew it, time for bed. A few minutes prior to our departure the snogging fools had left the bar...or so we thought. The group of questionable characters stood outside the front door puffing away. We exited the area and proceeded to the car. Suddenly I was being called words that even my utmost enemy has never called me. This is a G rated blog so I will leave the rest to the imagination.

Jeff and I exchanged glances and read each others minds that these are the type of hooligans who would have a knife and they obviously weren't worth the time and effort so we proceeded to the car.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"
We got into the car and locked the doors Before I could start the car and drive away one of the hoodlums was kicking the back of my car and continuing to shout out very obscene things. So what is a girl to do? Whip it into reverse and back right up. Apparently he was able to get out of the way in time because a few minutes later he jumped the curb and was in the street continuing to yell.

Lucky for him I didn't want to get old betsy splashed with blood nor add another dent because she already has plenty. But I did speed up and swerve his direction to give him a fright.

Where do these people come from? Do they live in all cities or is mine special and unique? I must have an awkward look plastered on my face because I don't recall saying or doing anything offensive to these folks.

After getting home I thought about the way I handled the situation. Were my intentions to run over the brute? No, of course not. However, I couldn't think of many alternatives. Call the police? I know how long they take to get to the scene and by then my back window would have been kicked out - No Thanks.

My solution? Rewrite the rules of the road book so young children on the road know how to handle situations such as this. Got a better idea?


  1. Oh my gosh! only you Emily...Where were you at the Gun and Knife Club? ObviousLy!

  2. Ok, dear Neice... when I come home in a few weeks, let's gang up on your dad, and we BOTH will get a Tazer, a baseball bat, Mace, and hmmmm, put our heads together to come up with a plan...
