Sunday, May 23, 2010

Busy Weekend...

It all started Thursday night. . . .
I was driving home on a rather deserted road from a homevisit that I had done with one of my clients and his family. Suddenly I saw 2 cop cars up ahead with their lights on flashing. As I slowed down I realized a car was in the ditch completely upside down and a guy was lying on the side of the road rather bloody. Within the next couple of minutes as I sat staring (similar to a train wreck) an ambulance came and took him away.

Thursday night my friend and I were originally going to go to Rockford to the mall to get new dresses for a wedding the next day, but after I saw that and my friend had been in a pretty uncomfortable experience as well we decided to hold off on the trip. Instead I ventured into the Sterling mall (which to those unfamiliar has about 3 acceptable stores) and found a bright pink dress, which I thought would be suitable although I wasn't to thrilled with the purchase.

Friday Jeff came down to go to the wedding with me. As I was getting ready I started to have second thoughts about the pink dress; however, I didn't have many other options and it was new, so I figured I should just wear it. Well... Turns out, that was a bad choice. I was completely overdressed and to make matters worse, before we even arrived the strap completely ripped so I was forced to wear an uncomfortable and slightly itchy sweater.

Saturday Jeff and I ventured up to Savanna. The area is actually very pretty and we went hiking and had a little picnic. It was a beautiful drive, the weather was nice, and is surprising not flat like the rest of Illinois. After the hike, Jeff noticed that the back tire on ol' betsy was looking a little low. My response: "NO WAY, THAT IS MY BRAND NEW TIRE". Sure enough, we get the air gauge out and it has about half the lbs of air as the rest of the tires. Great....

That night I went down to my cousins 8th grade graduation. Always interesting when we get together with the fam. Unfortunately some of my other sisters couldn't make it, but there was still some yummy taco dip and cake. Jeff got to see some pretty hideous pictures of me when I was about 12 wearing a lovely daisy dress - Yuck.

Today I woke up, did some much needed cleaning around the house. It was about 95degrees out and for some reason I am air conditioner illiterate and can't figure out how to make it work. The maintenance man is getting a phone call from me tomorrow. . . I volunteered at a suicide prevention walk that was held at the highschool. The agency that I work for had a booth with some informational handouts so I talked to some people and basically sweated horrible for a few hours. It was a good cause though, and I'm glad I went.

Now. . . Time to see what happens in Lost Season 3. Surprisingly a very addicting show.

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