Not the coolest rap video I've ever made, but here is my rap/poem version recollecting my experience at Hesed House.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Children See, Children Do
A friend of mine was telling me the other day that her 1 1/2 year old son now says "shit" when he drops a toy on the ground. I wonder where he picked that up at...
Many people understand that their children imitate and learn from the ones that they are around. It may be their friends, kids at school, parents, or other adults in their lives.
I meant to share this commercial that was made in Australia a while ago, but due to the battery problem I wasn't able to post it.
Very inspiring.
What kind of messages are you unconsciously sending to the people around you?
Many people understand that their children imitate and learn from the ones that they are around. It may be their friends, kids at school, parents, or other adults in their lives.
I meant to share this commercial that was made in Australia a while ago, but due to the battery problem I wasn't able to post it.
Very inspiring.
What kind of messages are you unconsciously sending to the people around you?
Thursday, November 10, 2011
AA, AAA, or Double D?
Guess who finally broke down and bought that computer battery? Oh yah.. that would be me. Originally looking at the dell website I thought it would be over $150, but luckily amazon never steers me in the wrong direction and I found a real steal for about $48.
So I suppose I could entertain you with a humorous story... or I could go work on my group paper that is due... To be responsible or not, that is the question.
Ok, Ok... I better go be "responsible". Whatever that means. Don't get used to it!
So I suppose I could entertain you with a humorous story... or I could go work on my group paper that is due... To be responsible or not, that is the question.
Ok, Ok... I better go be "responsible". Whatever that means. Don't get used to it!
Monday, October 24, 2011
alive and kickin'
No I have not died; however, my computer has. For months it has been sending me a message saying "your battery is not charging normally, please order a new one". I thought it was a plot to get me to spend money at the dell website. - apparently I was wrong.
Needless to say, I need to order a new battery when I find 3 seconds of free time and then... I'll be back.
Needless to say, I need to order a new battery when I find 3 seconds of free time and then... I'll be back.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Happy October!'

It's the start of some Halloween havoc - hay rack rides, bonfires, pumpkin carving, costume wearing, and of course we cannot forget haunted houses.
Which is exactly why last night I decided to ring the new month in by venturing to Ravin's Grin . It is really more of a haunted tour then the typical jump out from behind the wall and startle you type; however, it still managed to make me just about pee my pants (oops!).
Note to self: do not joke about having a pace maker before the tour, because they WILL purposefully try to scare you and any guy who owns a hearse and drives it around for his daily car has got to be a little wack.
Thought for the day: "I'll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween."
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
deep thoughts by emily
Why are some ladders called "step ladders"? Isn't the idea of all ladders to step up?
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Coon Soup Anyone?
I wish I could say that this was the raccoon that I smoked with Ol' Betsy on the way home last weekend. Unfortunately the one I managed to smash into going 60mph was probably three times as big and twice as wide. Also, twice as flat once I was done with it.
Although Ol' Betsy definitely took a beating, I'd still say she came out ahead. I mean after all, at least Ol' Bets can still run. This coon can't even walk. I would put a picture of the lovely damages I incurd; however, it is far to cold out and I am way to tired to walk down 3 flights of stairs just for your entertainment.
Following the incident I received some interesting condolences including "at least everybody is okay" (although animal activist may argue that one), "glad it wasn't somebodies dog" (although on the farm this could have easily been somebodies dear beloved pet), and my personal favorite "at least it wasn't a skunk" - Touche my friend, Touche.
"Life Is Lucky"
Very moving story. Please watch.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Slippery little suckers
I stumbled across this interesting little chair in one of the stalls of the ladies bathroom at Walmart the other day.
At first I pulled my pants down and thought it was pretty cool to have a seat belt to add stability while doing your business.
Then I realized there was nowhere for "your business" to go? Which is when I noticed the small sign indicating to strap your child down so they can't weasel under the wall and into somebody elses stall.
Interesting concept. Do parents really use these?
- Walmart really does have everything.

Then I realized there was nowhere for "your business" to go? Which is when I noticed the small sign indicating to strap your child down so they can't weasel under the wall and into somebody elses stall.
Interesting concept. Do parents really use these?
- Walmart really does have everything.
Want Some Candy Little Kid?
I'm always very cautious when I see a van with no windows. I half expect some old man to offer me some candy and then stuff me in the back. Well yesterday I came across just that type of van, except this one was special...
Enough said.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Hole in 1.... or 14
My latest adventure involves my first round of golf.
Actually it involves me recklessly driving the golf cart and carefully overseeing a dozen balls get lost.
Maybe I'll give it a whirl next time.
Aligning with the cosmos
I've always liked to think of myself as being in tune with nature.
Not the tree hugging type though....
Not the sit in the forest for hours and meditate type either....
Ok, so maybe I'm not as nature oriented as I pretend to be, but one thing I know for sure is that I enjoy a good stroll through the park, dance in the rain, or wind in my face. Is it really that important to you what my motivation to recycle more or stop global warming is? No, I didn't think so.
Well last week I embarked on an exciting adventure to Anderson Gardens in Rockford. I took some time to enjoy the serenity while attempting to seek enlightenment, but I think my inability to sit still for more then 5 minutes started to kick in.
It was a good time for a Sunday afternoon and they even had a Japanese tea house which you could walk around. Fairly fascinating. Check it out.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Studious? Me? - Nah
" Back to school, back to school to prove to Dad I'm not a fool. "
Well, it's official. I always knew I would end up back in the classroom one way or another. I just thought I would be the one in front of the class enlightening others, not the one sitting in the desk and slaving away at homework for hours on end.
Check back in three years and maybe I'll be updating more frequently. Until then, this is my forewarning that my posts may be few and far inbetwen. But keep in mind....
" I'll be back" (in an arnold schwarzenegger voice)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Weekend Wreckage
So far this weekend has definitely had it's ups an downs, highs and lows, wax and wane, peaks and valleys, ebb and flow - Starting to catch on? And it's only Sunday morning.
Lets just start from the ground break of this excursion. Thursday I decided to do a little pampering since I was playing hooky (aka PTO) from work on Friday. I got myself a long overdue pedi/mani, and bought myself some new PJ's with a $10 free gift from Kohl's.
I must admit that while I have no racial bias against people that are Asian, it is rather humorous that both their manicure shops and restraunts never fail to have the little asian kids running around. I musst give credit where credit is due though because they sure do know how to make a girl that picks her nails while nervous look damn good. - Thanks.
After my pampering session I decided to have a night cap and hit the hay early. Okay, so maybe it wasn't early per say, but I still did get a good nights sleep to be rested for my Friday festivities.
We hit the road around 10am and drove roughly 5 hours (with pee stops) to Green Bay, Wisconsin. I must say that this was the furthest North I had been and for lack of a better term people are of a different breed there - Well at least our waitress was.... Although come to think of it, the pain meds she appeared to be on was probably the sole perpetrator of her oddness. Regardless, for being about 100,000 people it had a somewhat quaint feel to it.
At least it was quaint until we got to our hotel. I must say the main reason we choose this hotel was because the "24 hour pool" was calling our name. However, this turned out to be a bad idea as I think the pool overflowed into the rest of the hotel as the smell of mildew, wet dog, and peeling wallpaper was soon filling my nostril orifices.
We ate nachos, drank some beers, and as much as I hate to admit, even cheered for the pack.
After the Packers beat the Cardinals 28-20 we ventured to some local hotspots in the downtown Green Bay area, took a midnight stroll along the bay, and of
course hit up the 24 hour pool.
After check-out the following morning, we took the hour drive to check out Door County and part of the upper peninsula.
We hit up Potawatomi State Park where we climbed the 75 foot observation tower on top of a 150 foot bluff overlooking Sturgeon Bay.
I must admit that while I am not afraid of heights, the ricketyness of this tower gave me the frights. Of course once reaching the top - totally worth it.
The view of the bay was beautiful and the weather was perfect.
Finally, to finish the day off we ventured to downtown Sturgeon Bay where we checked out West Fest and Tug Fest. Both which were considerably overrated to say the least.
On a high note, I did get a pretty sweet picture with this old tug boat and enjoyed hearing some local bands making melodies.
Then we decided to begin the endeavor home. The final note/advice I would like to leave you with is that speeding tickets in Wisconsin are not $75 as they are in Illinois. Try $250. - Ouch.
The lesson to be learned? Don't get pulled over 2 miles from the boarder.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Chorizo's In The Lead
I'm not sure how many of you are baseball fans, but the season has come and is quickly going.
More importantly though, I'm not sure how many of you can honestly say that you have witnessed the Racing Sausages first hand.
Because I have.
Wednesday night there just so happened to be a Clinton Lumberkings minor league baseball game going on. So naturally we decided to track the hour drive only to be sadly disappointed by the strong support of Miller Lite. Ick.
Regardless - the highlight of the evening was definitely the guest appearance of the racing sausages during the 7th inning stretch. And even better - Chorizo won the race!
Not bad for some fun on a school night.
More importantly though, I'm not sure how many of you can honestly say that you have witnessed the Racing Sausages first hand.
Because I have.
Wednesday night there just so happened to be a Clinton Lumberkings minor league baseball game going on. So naturally we decided to track the hour drive only to be sadly disappointed by the strong support of Miller Lite. Ick.
Regardless - the highlight of the evening was definitely the guest appearance of the racing sausages during the 7th inning stretch. And even better - Chorizo won the race!
Not bad for some fun on a school night.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Woot Woot. We have a winner.
I'm not a fair weather fan or a traitor. If a team has me as a fan, it's for life. There's no turning back, no matter how rough it may get at times. For example. . .
Ever since the get go I've been a cubs fan . . . (perfect example of times getting tough)

An Illini fan. . .
Hail to the Orange. Hail to the Blue.
Hail Alma Mater, Ever so true.
We love no other, So let our motto be
Victory, Illinoisssssss Varsity – Oskee-Wow-Wow

Also an important thing to note is that I rarely win anything. Scratch off lotto tickets are not for me. I stay away from raffles or drawings because they become a waste of time. One time I won a swimsuit from a giveaway blog, but that was just a freak accident and haven't won anything since.
Well it appears that my luck has changed... or has it? I won NFL preseason tickets to a Packers vs Cardinals game at Lambeau field in Wisconsin. For a bears fan, this is painful and I debated either giving them to my packers friend or tearing them to shreds and soak up the glory knowing that 2 seats would be empty following following a Superbowl season.
But, instead I've decided to go later this month and scout out the competition. See what's in store for this year and feel like an honorary Bear for the day. Although, unfortunately I will have to say my first football game was a Packers game.
I think I'll manage. - After all, they are free.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The man without a face.... book.
Dear Friends and Family,
Is this how people are treated when they don't keep up with the latest technology and gadgets? Are they isolated from the world? Do they not get "liked" or invited to the latest parties?
I dare you to contact an old friend in an old fashioned way!
Type a letter - Do typewriters still exist?
Mail a letter - Although it will no longer get delivered on Saturday.
Stop by the house - Am I the only one who takes Sunday drives?
Make a phone call - Without speed dial.
Best of luck.
Is this how people are treated when they don't keep up with the latest technology and gadgets? Are they isolated from the world? Do they not get "liked" or invited to the latest parties?
I dare you to contact an old friend in an old fashioned way!
Type a letter - Do typewriters still exist?
Mail a letter - Although it will no longer get delivered on Saturday.
Stop by the house - Am I the only one who takes Sunday drives?
Make a phone call - Without speed dial.
Best of luck.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Summertime Fever
No, I was not struck by lightening in a sudden thunder storm. Nor did I run off and elope in Vegas. I have however been making a ruckus and romping around finding all sorts of summertime adventures to keep me busy with and crossing activities off my bucket list. Unfortunately for you, this decreases my internet/blogging time drastically, which leaves you with little to no entertainment. - Sorry!
Fourth of July weekend I went on my very first camping excursion.
We slept in a tent (without an air mattress), fishing (and caught zip zero zilch), swimming (in seaweed), and biking (on horrible hills).
We also went kayaking on the lake, had a campfire, and grilled some goodies.
Despite all these exciting adventures, my favorite activity that weekend by far was using my GoGirl. Thanks to my sister Andrea for donating, I can now take life standing up and boy oh boy was that an adventure.
Was it everything I hoped for and more? - Absolutely.
We slept in a tent (without an air mattress), fishing (and caught zip zero zilch), swimming (in seaweed), and biking (on horrible hills).
We also went kayaking on the lake, had a campfire, and grilled some goodies.
Despite all these exciting adventures, my favorite activity that weekend by far was using my GoGirl. Thanks to my sister Andrea for donating, I can now take life standing up and boy oh boy was that an adventure.
Was it everything I hoped for and more? - Absolutely.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Bon Voyage
Luckily for me she chose to have her last supper (no pun intended) with me prior to departing for France on Wednesday. We enjoyed some delicious spaghetti pizza from Angelos and a cup of sweet iced tea. Afterwards we ventured to Walmart to pick up some last minute musts (aka a calling card to make Mama Kunk happy).
Rebecca: How many minutes does this international calling card give me if I'm calling from France?
Walmart Worker: I don't know. Not many people from here travel outside the country.
Me: At least not ones that come to call home.
Walmart Worker: How long are you going to France for?
Rebecca: Indefinitely
Me: She is one of the lucky ones that got away.
I'm happy I got to spend some extra time with my sister before she left. I am hopeful that I can plan a trip to visit her within the next couple of years since she wont be able to return home until sometime around 2014. I miss her already!
Love You Becca!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Blissful Biking
Okay, so maybe I wasn't able to get one of the bicycles that I have been eyeballing. See The wonderful world of bicycles. Regardless, I was still proactive today and actually went to the store and got one. After test driving several bicycles up and down the isles I finally settled for this purple schwinn.
Nothing too fancy, but it should get the job done and to test it out I rode about 20 miles today. So far, So Good.
Is it massage time yet?
Nothing too fancy, but it should get the job done and to test it out I rode about 20 miles today. So far, So Good.
Is it massage time yet?
Friday, June 24, 2011
Just call me Amerigo Vespucci
Weather for ______, IL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The forecast isn't looking too promising and if you know anything about me then you'll know that I'm always looking for some sort of adventure to embark on. So here are a few places I'd like to check out...
The Cable Guy
The Cable Guy - Unfortunately I couldn't embed this video into my blog for some unknown reason, but check it out so you know where I'm coming from! . . .
Ok, so maybe I am guilty of stealing wireless internet from my neighbors in the past. Is it really such a big deal? It isn't like comcast is running low on funds now is it? And just for the record, I am no longer getting "illegal internet". I pay my bill like every other law abiding citizen.
A couple of months ago I received a phone call from comcast customer service asking to speak with "Ms Emily for a survey"... Naturally my response was "Sorry, my mom isn't here right now". And I have been avoiding that 603 area code ever since. -Ignore has become my new favorite button.
A couple of days ago I was feeling rather friendly so I decided to strike up a convo with Mr 603. He decided to offer me a cable box and 5x faster internet. Sure thing, come on out. And we scheduled an appointment for Thursday morning.
Well the cable guy came out, not quite Jim Carry, but still an interesting young man to say the least. He obviously doesn't have the skills of The Cable Guy because my DVR has not been working. So, today I decided to take a few minutes out of my evening and call to see what they could do.
Of course with my luck I managed to get the 1 asian man who barely spoke english and sounded as if he was munching on an egg roll while we spoke. 45 minutes later he thought it was fixed, which it was not so I decided it was time for me to have some cheap entertainment and the conversation took a sudden turn. . .
Me: Do you like Jeopardy?
Asian Cable Man: Oh yes, very much.
Me: I do too, I'm watching it right now. (asian accent)
Asian Cable Man: Very nice (asian accent)
Me: I'm going to quiz you
Asian Cable Man: Thank you for calling comcast. Good bye.
Apparently he wasn't very confident in his jeopardy skills. Grandpa Kunk would be so disappointed. Either way, my DVR still doesn't work. Hmph! Oh well, I don't watch TV anyways.
Ok, so maybe I am guilty of stealing wireless internet from my neighbors in the past. Is it really such a big deal? It isn't like comcast is running low on funds now is it? And just for the record, I am no longer getting "illegal internet". I pay my bill like every other law abiding citizen.
A couple of months ago I received a phone call from comcast customer service asking to speak with "Ms Emily for a survey"... Naturally my response was "Sorry, my mom isn't here right now". And I have been avoiding that 603 area code ever since. -Ignore has become my new favorite button.
A couple of days ago I was feeling rather friendly so I decided to strike up a convo with Mr 603. He decided to offer me a cable box and 5x faster internet. Sure thing, come on out. And we scheduled an appointment for Thursday morning.
Well the cable guy came out, not quite Jim Carry, but still an interesting young man to say the least. He obviously doesn't have the skills of The Cable Guy because my DVR has not been working. So, today I decided to take a few minutes out of my evening and call to see what they could do.
Of course with my luck I managed to get the 1 asian man who barely spoke english and sounded as if he was munching on an egg roll while we spoke. 45 minutes later he thought it was fixed, which it was not so I decided it was time for me to have some cheap entertainment and the conversation took a sudden turn. . .
Me: Do you like Jeopardy?
Asian Cable Man: Oh yes, very much.
Me: I do too, I'm watching it right now. (asian accent)
Asian Cable Man: Very nice (asian accent)
Me: I'm going to quiz you
Asian Cable Man: Thank you for calling comcast. Good bye.
Apparently he wasn't very confident in his jeopardy skills. Grandpa Kunk would be so disappointed. Either way, my DVR still doesn't work. Hmph! Oh well, I don't watch TV anyways.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Reason's I'd Rather Be A Guy. . .
Looking back on my younger years I would pride myself in beating my brothers and sisters, cousins, and friends in an old fashioned running race. Believe it or not, these old turkey legs used to be able to beat all the challengers from near and far in a sprint around the ol' farm house. - Always barefoot.
20 years later I cringe as I tip toe across the gravel and would rather fight an ogre then step in an old cow pie, which wouldn't have phased me in the past had a warm one oozed through my toes.
At some point girls stop being gangley and taller then boys at the junior high dance (not that I attended any of those). I'm not sure when, as it seemed as if it happened over night, but all the sudden boys were tall, muscly, and I hate to say it - faster. It really doesn't seem quite fair that boys body's are genetically predisposed to be bigger and stronger.
Perfect example. I have been practicing my running skills for weeks now so I felt challenging the male couch potato was a sure win. Did I win you ask? - No! And it just doesn't seem fair.

Although....Come to think of it, I don't think that one minor minuet detail makes me want to trade in my privates. Especially after the experience I had just this afternoon.
I know many of you would not admit it, but I was peeing today while on my phone. I went to wash my hands and suddenly let out a LOUD yelp as I spotted an ENORMOUS black spider lounging around in my sink.
I dropped my phone (not in the potty) and sprinted to the kitchen where I grabbed the first glass and captured the little bugger. As my above picture proves.

The pictures don't come close to giving this nasty little insect the justice that it deserves and I promise itseemed was 5X this size in real life. Upon capturing the 8 legged animal I realized how quick it was as it ran circles around the glass.
There was no way on earth I was letting this thing out of my site until I knew it was dead and being flushed down the potty. So I called that old couch potato who used his speed racer skills to hurry over and smash this spider to smithereens.
And yes, I stood there watching it until he arrived in order to ensure it would not escape. For if it escaped I knew there was no way I would be able to sleep soundly tonight.
So when it comes down to it- No, I would not rather be a guy. Guys may be bigger, stronger, and faster, but I do NOT want to be expected to kill scary insects. Especially ones with 8 legs. Ick!
20 years later I cringe as I tip toe across the gravel and would rather fight an ogre then step in an old cow pie, which wouldn't have phased me in the past had a warm one oozed through my toes.
At some point girls stop being gangley and taller then boys at the junior high dance (not that I attended any of those). I'm not sure when, as it seemed as if it happened over night, but all the sudden boys were tall, muscly, and I hate to say it - faster. It really doesn't seem quite fair that boys body's are genetically predisposed to be bigger and stronger.
Perfect example. I have been practicing my running skills for weeks now so I felt challenging the male couch potato was a sure win. Did I win you ask? - No! And it just doesn't seem fair.
Although....Come to think of it, I don't think that one minor minuet detail makes me want to trade in my privates. Especially after the experience I had just this afternoon.
I dropped my phone (not in the potty) and sprinted to the kitchen where I grabbed the first glass and captured the little bugger. As my above picture proves.
The pictures don't come close to giving this nasty little insect the justice that it deserves and I promise it
There was no way on earth I was letting this thing out of my site until I knew it was dead and being flushed down the potty. So I called that old couch potato who used his speed racer skills to hurry over and smash this spider to smithereens.
And yes, I stood there watching it until he arrived in order to ensure it would not escape. For if it escaped I knew there was no way I would be able to sleep soundly tonight.
So when it comes down to it- No, I would not rather be a guy. Guys may be bigger, stronger, and faster, but I do NOT want to be expected to kill scary insects. Especially ones with 8 legs. Ick!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Reasons It's Great To Be A Girl
- Free Dinners
- Speeding Ticket? - What's that?
- If your not very attractive, you can fool um with makeup
- You can hide your big ears without anybody knowing
- If you don't shave, you can just wear pants
- You can date somebody - just because their funny
- Wearing your significant others clothes doesn't make you a cross-dresser
- You'll never regret piercing your ears
- No group showers
- Being under 6ft is a good thing, not something you have to worry about
- Snorting once in a while when you laugh can be considered cute
- You don't have a hairy back... or crack
- If you tan it doesn't make people question your sexuality
- You can cry without pretending theres something in your eye
- No worrying about the waist band tuck
- Nobody passes out when you take off your shoes
Dear Me
Dear Young and Over-Enthusiastic Me,
Don't listen when people tell you to "grow-up". What they call "maturity" is actually bitterness.
Keep your passions blazing like the heat of 1,000 suns.
- Sincerely,
Older But Still Over-Enthusiastic Me
Don't listen when people tell you to "grow-up". What they call "maturity" is actually bitterness.
Keep your passions blazing like the heat of 1,000 suns.
- Sincerely,
Older But Still Over-Enthusiastic Me
Good Friends. . .
Many people say that good friends are hard to find..... I completely agree.

However, I have always known my true friends because they know to clear my computer history after I die and to toss out any any embarassing artifacts I may have lying around.
Thanks for being such great friends!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Jammin' Johns
To Whom It May Concern,
As you may know, I have come to appreciate the finer things in life. Which is exactly why I feel that I deserve to have a Jammin' John. I promise to use it proudly as my bladder is possibly overactive. Furthermore, I promise to share well with others and clean it regularly. I believe that this Jammin' John would make a fantastic addition to my eclectic home.
Ready to Rock & Roll
Splash Waterfalls
Well Boys & Girls, I had quite the adventurous weekend full of fun filled activities to say the least. It started out with delicious Mexican cuisine on Thursday night, which led to Emily waking up to an UNforgetful Friday.
Lets just say that Emily was hugging (not to be confused with riding) the porcelain pony for most of the morning/afternoon. I don't remember the last time I vomited so much. In fact, I was so sick I couldn't even take a sip of water without my insides feeling as if they were in a whirlwind. Ick!
After sleeping most of the day on the bathroom floor I was lucky enough to have a friend bring me a purple Gatorade and a BubbleBliss (I have wanted one of these my whole life!) and eventually fell asleep around 7pm only to wake up the next morning at 10am. Once again, I don't remember the last time I slept so much.
Saturday I was still feeling a little rocky, but managed to fit some activities in. I went with a friend to a local state park, where we frolicked in the woods, climbed through the caves, and wallowed in the water.
Here are some of our finer moments. . .

After sleeping most of the day on the bathroom floor I was lucky enough to have a friend bring me a purple Gatorade and a BubbleBliss (I have wanted one of these my whole life!) and eventually fell asleep around 7pm only to wake up the next morning at 10am. Once again, I don't remember the last time I slept so much.
Saturday I was still feeling a little rocky, but managed to fit some activities in. I went with a friend to a local state park, where we frolicked in the woods, climbed through the caves, and wallowed in the water.
Here are some of our finer moments. . .
Splash Waterfalls |
Mad Man Koala Skills |
Standing Behind Splash Waterfalls. . Look Closely, Or You May Miss Ninja Stealth |
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Ok, so maybe I'm not exactly a couch potatoe. In fact I don't even remember the last time I turned on my TV and I do enjoy getting activities done. However, my activities typically entail excursions to Mexico or trips to the mall. While taking clothes on and off the hanger may be a great upperbody workout, I don't think it qulaifies for my fitness regime any longer.
My sister Andrea has recently introduced me to a new running program Couch to 5K. Surprisingly, I made it past the first week with minimal side aches and still have the motivation to keep it up next week. So far, I like it because it isn't a program for the "crazies". You know the type, the ones who appear to be running constantly - running to get something off the shelf, running to the car, running to the bathroom, etc. . .
I got myself a new pair of kicks, which has decreased the tension in my legs drastically and makes me look pretty bad ass too.
Tomorrow starts week 2 and I'll be running marathons in no time... well maybe not, but a girl can dream eh?

I got myself a new pair of kicks, which has decreased the tension in my legs drastically and makes me look pretty bad ass too.
Tomorrow starts week 2 and I'll be running marathons in no time... well maybe not, but a girl can dream eh?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
2 Gringas + Tequila = Total Terror
I still have all my limbs, my liver is still functioning, and only a small portion of my body is needing a skin graph. What does all of this mean? I officially made it to Mexico and back without being abducted, sold as a sex slave, or being thrown in a Mexican jail (although there were a few close calls). I'd say the trip was a success.
It all started Saturday the 21st of May. I decided to pack heavily in case I chose not to return (which was tempting at times). I must say that this is probably the first trip I have ever been on that I actually remembered everything. Wait, no, I forgot my toenail clippers. Although I did remember my goggles so that clearly made up for it since I was able to dive for treasures.
Saturday I ventured up to Chicago where my traveling companion Laura, was eagerly awaiting to get waxes. That's right ladies and gentleman - painful, hair pulling, little Asian lady waxes. I would say it was totally not worth it, but the lady did give me a quote which made me laugh the entire rest of the trip "No Dingy Dingy" (in an Asian accent). What a great start to a vacation.
That evening we ran to the store to pick up some last minute things including a new digital camera since my previous one got thrown into the lagoon on my last trip to Mexico. The moment we stepped onto the plane I quickly realized that the guy from Target was sabotaging my trip when he said that memory cards are universal - hence the lack of pictures.
We somehow managed to make it to the airport on time (4:30 Sunday morning) and without any major security problems, which is something new for me. We made the three and a half hour flight into Cancun and luckily for me, I got to sit next to the 83 year old Russian who was clearing his throat every 3 minutes like clockwork - Thanks Laura.
We instantly began snapping photos with Laura's camera due to my ability to only take 7 photos on the camera that I bought specifically for the trip. Unfortunately, the moment we stepped out of the taxi at the resort, Laura realized her camera was still sitting on the seat - Again, hence the lack of photos.
Upon arrival at the resort and instantly found our man, Jose, who hooked us up with some delicious beverages, which we drank in all of your honor.
The resort was beautiful. We saw iguanas, coaties (monkeys?), and lots of palm trees, which may or may not have been fake.
We made friends with people from Chicago (keeping it local) to Boston to Canada.
When I first told the travel agent I was traveling with my girlfriend Laura she asked if I just wanted 1 large king bed. This has been the ongoing joke in my family. However, luckily for us, we did manage to get 2 beds and I even sacrificed one of my seven pictures to prove it.
I suggested we bunk our beds in order to get more activities done (shout out to step brothers), but it didn't seem to go over to well with housekeeping. Maybe next time.
We went on a day excursion to Xplor and I';m going to let the rest of the photos speak for themselves... It's my bedtime!
For the most part, that sums up the high points of the trip. At least the ones that are appropriate for friends and family to hear about since fence jumping and security guard chasing probably are not ones for the books. :) Now, we shall start planning our next adventure. Any recommendations?
It all started Saturday the 21st of May. I decided to pack heavily in case I chose not to return (which was tempting at times). I must say that this is probably the first trip I have ever been on that I actually remembered everything. Wait, no, I forgot my toenail clippers. Although I did remember my goggles so that clearly made up for it since I was able to dive for treasures.
Saturday I ventured up to Chicago where my traveling companion Laura, was eagerly awaiting to get waxes. That's right ladies and gentleman - painful, hair pulling, little Asian lady waxes. I would say it was totally not worth it, but the lady did give me a quote which made me laugh the entire rest of the trip "No Dingy Dingy" (in an Asian accent). What a great start to a vacation.
That evening we ran to the store to pick up some last minute things including a new digital camera since my previous one got thrown into the lagoon on my last trip to Mexico. The moment we stepped onto the plane I quickly realized that the guy from Target was sabotaging my trip when he said that memory cards are universal - hence the lack of pictures.
We somehow managed to make it to the airport on time (4:30 Sunday morning) and without any major security problems, which is something new for me. We made the three and a half hour flight into Cancun and luckily for me, I got to sit next to the 83 year old Russian who was clearing his throat every 3 minutes like clockwork - Thanks Laura.
We instantly began snapping photos with Laura's camera due to my ability to only take 7 photos on the camera that I bought specifically for the trip. Unfortunately, the moment we stepped out of the taxi at the resort, Laura realized her camera was still sitting on the seat - Again, hence the lack of photos.
Upon arrival at the resort and instantly found our man, Jose, who hooked us up with some delicious beverages, which we drank in all of your honor.
The resort was beautiful. We saw iguanas, coaties (monkeys?), and lots of palm trees, which may or may not have been fake.
We made friends with people from Chicago (keeping it local) to Boston to Canada.
When I first told the travel agent I was traveling with my girlfriend Laura she asked if I just wanted 1 large king bed. This has been the ongoing joke in my family. However, luckily for us, we did manage to get 2 beds and I even sacrificed one of my seven pictures to prove it.
I suggested we bunk our beds in order to get more activities done (shout out to step brothers), but it didn't seem to go over to well with housekeeping. Maybe next time.
We went on a day excursion to Xplor and I';m going to let the rest of the photos speak for themselves... It's my bedtime!
Ziplining through the jungle |
Drowning with lifevests? Is that even possible? |
ATV Fun |
Boating Through the Caves |
Ninja Fighting in the Caves |
Mexican Sand |
For the most part, that sums up the high points of the trip. At least the ones that are appropriate for friends and family to hear about since fence jumping and security guard chasing probably are not ones for the books. :) Now, we shall start planning our next adventure. Any recommendations?
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