Saturday, January 14, 2012

International Thank You Day!

International Thank You Day - January 11th, 2012.

Yes,  I am well aware that I am 3 days late, but I don't think it has to be international thank you day for me to give a couple of shout outs to some people that really brightened my day.

I'm beginning to believe that I have a stamp on my forehead that reads "I NEED HELP" or perhaps it is that helpless puppy dog look that I have been roaming around with. OR more optimistically, maybe human beings are actually nice? . . .. Nah. Doubt it.

So where do these thank yous belong you ask? It all started back on Tuesday when Ol' Betsy decided to make a very awful screeching noise as I came to a halt at a stop sign. Luckily, my dad has trained me very carefully to notice the sounds of break pads in need of replacement as I have ruined several sets of roters on Ol' Betsy for this very reason. So what did I do next? Call my mechanic of course. Unfortunately, he was booked for a week and couldn't get me in for a week - Unacceptable.

So I let go of my pride and decided to check with Midas, who agreed to do it that very hour. . . Well, 3 hours and $186.20 later, my break pads were like new. My tires, however, according to "Dan" were illegal to be driving on. Ugh. He asked if he should change them for me... No thanks, I'll do it "later". Of course we all know what later means.... When one of them blows up.

Well, A couple of days and a few inches of snow later sure showed me. Thursday night I got stuck going up a hill and felt myself slowly sliding backwards. Luckily the car behind me got away without a scratch, but this sure got me dreaming of a new set of tires for Ol' Betsy.

The following day as I attempted to leave work, I realized I wasn't going anywhere. Yes, I somehow managed to get stuck in a parking lot. Not on a hill. Not in a ditch. Not even in a snow covered driveway. We are talking about a freshly plowed, barely even slick, parking lot. This is where my shout out is due.....


Yes, he was wearing dress pants and jacket and still, without even being asked, just got down and dirty and helped me out. I wish I would of asked his name, but I was so caught off guard by his kindness I didn't think to ask.

So. . . Needless to say, today I ventured into Walmart to buy a new set for Ol' Betsy. I about swallowed my tongue when "Mike" told me it would be $360. Ugh. As I hesitantly agreed to pay the price I ventured through Walmart finding random odds and ends to spend what little money I had left.

30 minutes later, I heard my name being paged across the intercom to come back to Tire Lube Express. As I dragged my feet down the isles, Mike approached me telling me that I was nuts to change all 4 tires and should only get 2. He used some language I wasn't familiar with and said he was only going to put on 2. Fantastic! So.... Shout out time.


Mike could have just changed them as I, a girl knowing nothing about cars, had asked and it would have been all the same, but he was kind enough to help me out and offer a bit of advice.

After about 30 minutes more, I heard my named paged yet again. This time, Mike offered to buy Ol' Betsy from me. Our conversation went something like this. . . .

Mike: How much do you want for your car?
Me: I don't know. I haven't thought about it.
Mike: I'll buy it off you.
Me: I'd have to ask my Dad. (yes I still ask my dad all my car questions).
Me: Are you looking for a new/old car?
Mike: Yes, for the demo derby.
Me: Your saying you want to DESTROY Ol' Betsy? NO WAY!

Once again my heart sank. For a short instance I thought he actually LIKED my car. Little did I know, he wanted to tare Ol' Betsy to pieces. I slowly began to shake my head and informed him that she wasn't for sale anymore.
Ol' Betsy and I are like pea's in a pod. How dare somebody think I would part with her on such terms (as tempting as it may be).... Regardless of the slight insult..... Thanks Again to these kind people!


  1. awesome :-) I enjoy the journal thingy tremendously.

  2. journal thingy? Not quite sure what that meanns, but thanks :)
