Do you think animals think we all look identical the same as I think all ants or sheep look the same? - Just wondering.
Regardless of our otter appearance, I wonder if there is anybody who has the same interest as me? What about the same flaws? Now that's a conversation starter. . . .
One of my
Well, long story short, I don't recommend leaving it up to the pros. Especially if you enjoy looking at random things online. Lets just say, I go wherever my left click takes me. Occasionally I stumbleupon sites that I really shouldn't be stumbling on; however, a quick X or back arrow gets me back on track.
Well, last week I was browsing the online racks when suddenly my computer started to freak out. There were boxes popping up all over the place. Most of them stating something along the lines of "You have a virus, your computer is being taken over by aliens, and all your information is being stolen". Since I recently had the lovely credit card incident, of course I started to freak.
Did I mention this was at 2am? Not a whole lot of pros are willing to help you out at 2am no matter how many watermelon flavored jolly ranchers you promise them. So I waited until the next morning. When I proceeded to complain loudly at my office hoping that somebody would find a magic solution. And sure enough, there just so happened to be an I.T lady in the building updating the computers. So I promised her a bag of ranchers and brought my computer in.
As I started setting up my computer so she could find the culprit my mind began to wander. All the "odd" and "interesting" websites that I had accidentally stumbled upon started to pop into my head. She was going to think I am some kind of freak. Oh Well. I am who I am.
Several virus scans and updates later it was fixed. Or so I thought.
Once I got home, I realized I could only log onto gmail and facebook. No recipe finding, no arts and crafts, and definitely no blogging. I finally managed to reset my browser last night and am finally up and running. So don't mind the delayed post. Just remember - There could be a clone of me out there. Now THAT'S a scary thought.
I think u could find ur clone if u got to know someone as well as you got to know yourself. then u would see your self in them.
ReplyDeleteYou had an airline virus...You were stuck in IL while your data went to FL.