Wednesday, September 21, 2011

deep thoughts by emily

Why are some ladders called "step ladders"? Isn't the idea of all ladders to step up?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Read the small print

The BIGGEST Lie Ever:
"I have read and agree to the terms of use"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Coon Soup Anyone?

I wish I could say that this was the raccoon that I smoked with Ol' Betsy on the way home last weekend. Unfortunately the one I managed to smash into going 60mph was probably three times as big and twice as wide. Also, twice as flat once I was done with it.

Although Ol' Betsy definitely took a beating, I'd still say she came out ahead. I mean after all, at least Ol' Bets can still run. This coon can't even walk. I would put a picture of the lovely damages I incurd; however, it is far to cold out and I am way to tired to walk down 3 flights of stairs just for your entertainment.

Following the incident I received some interesting condolences including "at least everybody is okay" (although animal activist may argue that one), "glad it wasn't somebodies dog" (although on the farm this could have easily been somebodies dear beloved pet), and my personal favorite "at least it wasn't a skunk" - Touche my friend, Touche.

"Life Is Lucky"

Very moving story. Please watch.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Slippery little suckers

I stumbled across this interesting little chair in one of the stalls of the ladies bathroom at Walmart the other day.

At first I pulled my pants down and thought it was pretty cool to have a seat belt to add stability while doing your business.

Then I realized there was nowhere for "your business" to go? Which is when I noticed the small sign indicating to strap your child down so they can't weasel under the wall and into somebody elses stall.

Interesting concept. Do parents really use these?

- Walmart really does have everything.

Want Some Candy Little Kid?

I'm always very cautious when I see a van with no windows. I half expect some old man to offer me some candy and then stuff me in the back. Well yesterday I came across just that type of van, except this one was special...

Enough said.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hole in 1.... or 14

My latest adventure involves my first round of golf.

Actually it involves me recklessly driving the golf cart and carefully overseeing a dozen balls get lost.
Maybe I'll give it a whirl next time.

Aligning with the cosmos

 I've always liked to think of myself as being in tune with nature.

Not the tree hugging type though....

Not the sit in the forest for hours and meditate type either....

Ok, so maybe I'm not as nature oriented as I pretend to be, but one thing I know for sure is that I enjoy a good stroll through the park, dance in the rain, or wind in my face. Is it really that important to you what my motivation to recycle more or stop global warming is? No, I didn't think so.

Well last week I embarked on an exciting adventure to Anderson Gardens in Rockford. I took some time to enjoy the serenity while attempting to seek enlightenment, but I think my inability to sit still for more then 5 minutes started to kick in.

It was a good time for a Sunday afternoon and they even had a Japanese tea house which you could walk around. Fairly fascinating. Check it out.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Studious? Me? - Nah

" Back to school, back to school to prove to Dad I'm not a fool. "
Well, it's official.  I always knew I would end up back in the classroom one way or another. I just thought I would be the one in front of the class enlightening others, not the one sitting in the desk and slaving away at homework for hours on end.

Check back in three years and maybe I'll be updating more frequently.  Until then, this is my forewarning that my posts may be few and far inbetwen. But keep in mind....
" I'll be back" (in an arnold schwarzenegger voice)