My brain feels like a giant squid. Or at least how I would imagine a giant mushy squid to feel. Maybe it would be better described as a bowl of jello - when you poke it, it just kind of jiggles and then returns to limbo.
Ever worn a headband? Has that headband ever been too tight? Get a headache? Well I have. And I have had a constant headache for the past 2 weeks. It feels like I have a headband on too tight, but when I go to take it off I realize there is nothing there. Take some Tylenol. Don't have any. Go to bed. Phone rings. Go back to bed. Dream your working. Got hit by a client. Wake up. Worn out. Legs hurt.
I feel overworked, underpaid, and in desperate need of a vacation. Luckily for me, it is exactly 1 week until I board the plan for Mexico. The trip could go 1 of 2 ways. I could either return well rested and ready to return to work OR I could return in handcuffs because I did some horrible unthinkable crime to one of my siblings due to irritation and going off the deep end. I'm hoping for the first.
Am I cynical? Perhaps. Do I like my job? Most days. Should I go to bed? Yes.